Venting is fun

  • 29 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 30th, 2022


  • As I get older and older, I get unfathomably uncomfortable seeing kids and teenagers online. Just a moment ago I discovered a whole section of DeviantArt where 13-14 year olds post their names, faces, and houses all voer their accounts with no thought to cyber safety. First of all, I’m shocked people still use that site and in that manner and secondly none of these kids seem to grasp the amount of danger they put themselves in.

  • Twitter has one of the worst search engines I’ve ever seen. They changed the URL to x and I wanted to see what people are saying. But if you look up the word “Twitter” you’re hit with a bunch of random shit with a lot of likes. If you look up Twitter URL, all the comments are Japanese, Indian, Russian. I guess it’s designed that way; you’re not meant to find the stuff Elon doesn’t want you to see like the original site name.