Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]

Former long-time lurker of r/CTH. Just want to chat and post with some comrades. Maybe make some some funny comments along the way.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • That’s rude of your dream to say that. I’d be pissed if my mind did that to me. I don’t like getting confused like that by my imagination.

    I had one of those dreams last night where I go back to do high school again, despite being in my late 20s but, this time I was like: “Hold on, why am I here? My favorite teacher doesn’t even teach at this school anymore.” (For context, he’s the Republican turned socdem who unironically says “damn white people” when we get to the chapter on the Scramble for Africa).

  • Tbh, in the back of my mind I was wondering how much of such a strong reaction against something like astrology in the OP comes from an unstated/unexamined/unconscious bias against some activities women engage in because they’re “too emotional.” It brings up the old patriarchal dichotomy of irrational women, rational men. I think that should be carefully examined in unpacking the topic of the original post.

  • I’m not sure myself. Maybe they’re referring to stuff like indigenous technical knowledge of environmental management. When you look into that, all the generations of accumulated knowledge gained by observation and experimentation, it really upends the traditional Western descriptions of indigenous peoples as lacking any scientific tradition.

    It blew my mind when I learned about it, especially the major environmental impacts not maintaining those systems had on the western hemisphere post-Columbus.

  • I just see it as a way some people of all genders try to fill the space left by religion. It doesn’t necessarily have to be coded as an activity exclusive to one gender. I know plenty of guys into stuff like that. I’ve heard others describe this phenomenon as a way to question the accuracy of outcomes predicted by the secularization thesis.

    Regardless, I still am diplomatic with people who like that stuff, despite me not believing in it. I don’t want to come off the same way the New Atheists did when discussing religion. That sort of militant attitude can be off-putting when trying to make the case for socialism.

    I’d say the best way to discourage taking such practices too seriously, I’d suggest deconstructing such practices by reading about it’s history. Understanding the history of a topic helps one realize the fallible and changing nature of a supposedly unchanging process for discerning truth. I use the same approach with religion