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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Common Russian W as of late. Hopefully the severing of ties to the west can only increase, and- even if Putin may not be a communist- Russia can continue its path of learning, emulating, and cooperating with China’s successes. While the liberalism and social “conservatism” will inevitably come to a head (and has to be dealt with), across Russian society otherwise, and structurally (laying the law down on the oligarchs, bringing back 5-year plans, increasing ties with AES and “socialist-lite” policies), I feel they’re on the right path to revitalizing the country and at least parts of the Soviet legacy in a manner that will be conducive to transitioning the country back to true socialism (proletarian rule ie. communism) when the time comes.

  • The rape allegations are already known to be not only false, but completely fabricated by the Swedish government, not even the ostensible “victims” (who didn’t consider it rape, didn’t attempt to charge Assange with rape, and had simply gone to police to try to get him to do another STD check)

    It really shows how farcical it all was- and how much “Swedish neutrality” and all that was a sham, even long before it likely aided in bombing Nordstream, or it joined NATO. It’s literally the “I consent,” “I consent,” “I don’t” meme.

  • Hell, Biden has done so much to accelerate it, if anything. Whether fascism comes waving the cross and flag, or waving a rainbow flag and talking about how inclusive it is (just pinkwashing with little to no substance- as with Isn’treal, the Democrats, the occasional PR stunts the US tries in Ukraine like that trans spokesperson or that pride parade, or with “liberals” across the west) at this point I think it’s just a matter of which optics the west decides to embrace in its return to outright fascism.

    And I say that as someone who falls under a whole spiel of intersectionalities (trans, POC, technically immigrant, etc) and is a staunch progressive myself- it’s just two different shades of equal barbarism, if anything the latter strikes me as more insidious and disgusting- in a manner comparable to, I imagine, how anti-Zionist Jewish people feel seeing their people’s suffering be twisted into such an abomination that inflicts the same on others.

  • I think it’s undeniable, we are getting closer to a multipolar world- and for all that we may speculate (and have, and do) about how “far from it we are still,” the world is moving leaps and bounds- decades are taking place in weeks- and the west is also forcing things to such a point, through their attempts to prevent it.

    It may be (will be) uncomfortable, and not just for the imperial cores of the west- it will be a great upheaval for China, it has been for Russia, and it will be across the BRICS and the global south. It will be dangerous- frankly, more dangerous than perhaps at any other point in recorded human history- I certainly think it is. But it will be worth it, no matter the outcome (of which I am, barring nuclear war, very optimistic), and it is so, so necessary- and what will come after will be the foundations from where a new world will be born.

    You talk about ASML and their EUV, but that’s narrow-sighted IMO. China has already found a process around it (though it is less efficient- but considering how all the rest of the industry of the world essentially can be largely found in China, and how much they have invested in their infrastructure, their workforce, etc. to streamline their production- even then I think they more than break even). And if you look further into the topic, you’ll also find that China has the foundations- the talent, the resources, etc- to overcome it, and make ASML a thing of the past, even- it is a country of 1.5 billion, a greater total than that of the entire west and imperial bloc combined- and of those 1.5 billion, within their population no doubt, increasingly especially with the younger generations- an even more educated, more motivated population, also with more opportunities and far more of a stake in their nation’s efforts than that of the west (where it is increasingly rather the opposite).

    ASML’s EUV machines and their process, for instance, is developed for export, and that is a limitation in and of itself; these machines are roughly the size of a bus, and that’s with them as minaturized as they can make it as-is. Look into the proposed and planned developments in China, and it becomes clear what’s next to come will in due time, wipe them off the map- for these manufacturing processes, for instance, it has been proposed and certainly can be made, that China could instead build an accelerator the size of a football field, and use that as a light source for a massive EUV complex which can and will produce chips at a volume incomprehensible to the west…

    But I digress. EUV, at least western EUV, has already been made unnecessary; Huawei is already blatantly producing tangible proof of exactly that, albeit with less efficient DUV technology, yet they are basically right on the cusp of reaching parity all the same (and if not- so be it, it’s not like China or the universe will fall apart without it, and if worst comes to worst- especially in the case of a all-out economic split- China can very easily simply replicate existing EUV technology- the west cannot replicate China’s successes, not without first facing their own contradictions which have exacerbated to cartoonish proportions since the Reagan era with neoliberalism).

    The west can try to monopolize, to stall, to hope that the “garden” can hold the keys to development and modernity out of reach of China and the global south- and FWIW it is China AND the entire global south, and particularly at the moment China and Russia (as two securely independent, deeply complimentary, and truly peer nations to the US) but also the rest of BRICS- but this is a losing game, it cannot be maintained, they can only ever stall, or try to overturn the table (and humanity altogether) if worst comes to worst. Its behavior is the height of imperial fallacy, and increasingly I will say- it is clear it will not succeed.

  • That’s not the typical context in which the term “revisionist” is used, though. Usually it’s used to claim that someone is diverging from the foundations of Marxism itself- that they are betraying core principles such as the dictatorship of the proletariat, the integrity of the one-party system and/or the revolution, class struggle, etc…

    As such, I think it’s only good practice to distance ourselves from the term, despite what “revision” means in the English language. It’s enough simply to say- we’re not dogmatists.

  • Agreed, even if the Hindutvas were to remain in power (though it seems that may or may not be in question soon) I would still fully hope that they prosper all the same. It’s an atrocity, what this present world system continues to inflict on India and all across the global south and non-white, non-western world.

    Yeah i fear a lot of that kind of rhetoric is liberal hopium.

    I’d also probably not even call it that FWIW. Liberals and westerners in general don’t tend to have any great love for India (rather the opposite) and south Asians in general if you ask me. If it were Indian brands suddenly competing with western ones, and if Indian (indigenous) tech industries were threatening western monopolies, they would be seething at the bit all the same.

    They’re just touting/exaggerating Indian success to try to diminish China. In reality, there’s no doubt in my mind, they hate and seek the exploitation and destruction of both peoples.

  • Whatever the end result is, I hope that Ukraine can escape the western, Banderite grasp. Best of luck to you and your parents…

    One factor that can play a significant role is the way the local people would react. My take on it is that the locals will see it as occupation

    On that regard, I imagine the local people of east Ukraine won’t react too positively to being lumped in with the west again, either, though. The easternmost parts (Donbass/Crimea/likely Kharkiv/Zaporizhia/etc) certainly will never rejoin Ukraine again- and when and if Russia gets to Odessa, considering the horrors inflicted on the locals there as well, I can imagine they’d fight tooth and nail for the Russians to stay and not return them to some reformed Ukraine.

  • Honestly IMO- while you and the many other innocent Ukrainians have my utmost sympathy if nothing else- those with sense should probably leave the country, or at least hope their homes lie behind the Russian side of the border when all this is said and done. But that’s just my opinion as an outsider, of course you probably have a better feel for how things are on the ground there.

    There’s no reason to believe the Nazis will be ousted anytime soon, not anywhere without Russian assistance, at least. By-and-large they’ve preserved their ideologically-aligned troops while sending the conscripts to the front to die- and they have the backing of the entire west behind them. Meanwhile, whatever will remain of the country has a “bright future” ahead of it as a heavily indebted, militarized BlackRock fiefdom.

    Honestly? I genuinely think that Russian annexation is the best of a plethora of bad options and possibilities for Ukraine’s future ahead. Though there’s no way in hell the Russians would want the westernmost portions FWIW.

  • It’s just proof once again of what everyone knows (whether they admit it or not)- there are almost no military-aged “civilians” in Pissrael.

    Armed settlers are not civilians, they are a foreign invading force, only the children can be considered “civilians,” particularly in such a society where the settler-colonial project is in a more incomplete stage than the “near-total genocide success stories” of the Anglo-settler world. Literal “IDF” (IOF) stormtroopers are not civilians.

  • Sounds like they’re “sensible” nationalists at least, then- the kinds who presumably can recognize that plunging Europe into WW3 with their much larger, nuclear-armed neighbor is a terrible idea for their nation, and has a good chance of making Estonian a language only spoken in hell.

    It’s a measure of common sense that- for all that their politics are no doubt disgusting otherwise- is pleasantly refreshing, due to how rare it is and how low the bar has gotten across the west.