SoylentSnake [he/him, they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • also yesterday (related aside but definitely an aside), i realized that i think my situationship partner is like…actually shockingly beautiful. ive been attracted to her from the get go, but it crept up on me how genuinely, uniquely gorgeous i think she is. maybe it’s partly because i do truly find her heart and mind beautiful, too, and have continued to feel that way as ive gotten to know her (like…idk in recent memory if ive felt this strongly about someone in an early-stages connection (if maybe ever? but i’m afraid to admit that)). and i also already feel this protective urge toward her because the baseline of life seems hard for her (and this dampens how close we can get quickly, which is fine and im trying to respect, but also i relate to it?) fuck, i dunno, man…

  • getting way more vulnerable and personal than i should here. but…

    been one of those “imagining confronting my ex about all the ways i felt i was mistreated, but which i normalized” nights of drinking. full on talking to myself in front of a mirror, that kind of shit. and some of it imagining (unrealistically, exaggeratedly uncharitably) how she’d react to me feeling a new person out and calling her out on that. idk. we’re all weird in private, in the dark, once the lights are off. im just fucking weird in this way. im clearly still processing my dead marriage and idk when its gonna cease, if ever. maybe we hold the people who were once close to us forever, and that’s okay. it’s just part of life.

  • ha ha and immediately after i had a stressful call with my love interest where i was certain she wanted to end things despite things going really well last night haha fuck me what a day lets try and have a good death to america day ya’ll amerikkka big-cool

    (the convo did end positively though, but we did also clarify we need to keep moving slow and talked through some early days of relationship anxiety she has and how shes in a p unstable place rn. it ended on a note of still really liking and appreciating each other and agreeing being together felt good and we have another date lined up weekend after this upcoming one.)

  • started typing something in more detail, but i’ll keep it simple and say that i feel where you’re at, i ended my partnership of almost 9 years about a year ago and while its been a tough year in many ways, it was the right choice. you should always listen to that inner voice about these things, it leads to either ending a relationship that isn’t meant to be anymore (which is in everyone’s benefit long-term, even if it doesn’t feel that way), or having a frank-but-difficult discussion that leads to mending the parts of your relationship that aren’t working (though in this case it sounds like your mind is already pretty made up). best of luck to both of you at this deeply painful crossroads, i hope you both come out on the other side better for it.