Staines [he/him, they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • It’s a solid game but many of the mechanics are literally based on cia world fact book data, so it doesn’t really simulate the world in actuality.

    One of the sillier mechanics being that countries with “authoritan” governments aren’t as good at generating science. They must also sacrifice a portion of GDP to satisfy the rulers and avoid coups. Unfortunately this makes it quite difficult to play without owning control points in western sphere countries for science generation, and countries like China are arbitrarily hamstrung.

    The Chinese coded academic faction is however the special hard mode good guys playthrough that provides far more accurate information about the aliens intentions, and has by far the best and most interesting ending. They pay for this by having every faction set against them, and being hard coded to take a boot to the balls occasionally.

  • Good thing there’s a pretty standard set of trope copes.

    “Ukraine is too corrupt and wasted our western wunderwaffe”, or maybe, “Ukraine kept defaulting to their own tactics instead of using western training because the slavic brainpan is simply incapable of superior angloid warfare” or hell, lets go with a classic for the bitter Ukrainian nazi’s if there are still enough alive to have a say “our jewish leadership hamstrung us” – something in line with the typical satanically racist “garden” thinking.

    The kind of narrative that lets them slip on by without considering whether or not they were lied to, or the stability of high GDP economies that don’t actually manufacture anything except consent.