• 9 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2024


  • Bei der Kritik an Influencern schwingt auch immer was von der Kritik an “der Jugend von heute” mit. Diese ist etwa so alt wie unsere abendländische Kultur selbst.

    Die Jugend liebt heutzutage den Luxus. Sie hat schlechte Manieren, verachtet die Autorität, hat keinen Respekt vor den älteren Leuten und schwatzt, wo sie arbeiten sollte.

    (Sokrates ca. 400 v. Chr.)

  • For information:

    A significant inflow of water and a subtle loss of mechanical stability may jeopardise the underground mine integrity – the site is in danger of collapsing and becoming flooded.

    Between 1988 and 2008 32 new entry points were recorded. In 1996, the BFS notified the Bundesumweltministerium that there was a risk of severe radioactive contamination if the mine ran full of water and that further investigation was urgently required.

    After the controversies about the facility became public and the operator was changed to the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, a new plan was developed in 2010. It became obvious that the recovery of the waste is necessary for long-term safety. The waste is planned to be collected by remotely controlled robots, sealed in safe containers, and stored temporarily above ground. Preparations include creating a new shaft that will be big enough and building the above ground storage facility. The estimated costs for the closure of the mine are estimated to be at least 3.7 billion Euro. The recovery of the waste and closure of the mine will be paid with tax money, not by the operators of the German nuclear plants, even though most of the waste was created by them. The beginning of the recovery is planned to start in 2033 and is estimated to last for decades.


    Edit: Wow. I’m getting downvotes for providing additional information. Teriffic!

  • The “Great Leap Forward” began after the end of the “Anti-Rightist Movement” and coincided with a period of increasing political tension between China and the Soviet Union. It was the main cause of the severe Great Chinese Famine, which lasted from 1959 to 1961. Due to the forced collectivisation of agriculture, the additional burden placed on farmers by work on infrastructure and industrialisation projects and an internal migration of the rural population to the cities, agricultural yields fell from 1959 to 1961. At the same time, the grain levies expected by the state as a tax and for export were greatly increased and enforced with coercive measures. The number of victims of this famine is estimated at between 14 and 55 million people, making it the deadliest famine in history. In addition to famine-related deaths, millions also died from beatings, torture and executions. More than thirty per cent of all homes were destroyed during the campaign for various reasons.

    Wikipedia - Großer Sprung nach vorn (in German, translated)

    The Great Leap was one of two periods between 1953 and 1976 in which China’s economy shrank (the other being the Cultural Revolution). Economist Dwight Perkins argues that “enormous amounts of investment only produced modest increases in production or none at all. … In short, the Great Leap [Forward] was a very expensive disaster”.

    Wikipedia - Great Leap Forward
