Ignoring the difference between copyright and patents, this is exactly the kind of motivation I’m looking to prevent! The idea that the only driver of invention and creativity is the profit motive is corporate propaganda. Humans have, from our evolution, always been driven to invent and create to make our lives easier.
Using the example of pharma company, if a hypothetical company with infinite funds and resources for their R&D group wants to develop a new drug that cures cancer, despite having infinite input, they will still never produce anything if they don’t have people to do the work of research and development. A media company like Disney, despite their vast wealth, cannot produce movies without writers, animators, voice actors, production crews, etc. This is my reason for people being the only ones able to own a copyright. (Edit to fix a typo)
On every website I’ve ever ever been on, opting in for NSFW means opting in for porn. If you don’t want porn, disable NSFW, and block any communities that don’t use proper NSFW tags. If you want to sometimes view NSFW/porn, but not always, make an alt account, preferably on a NSFW-focused instance.
I learned this lesson on Mastodon, but all means ALL. It is an uncontrolled firehouse of posts without any algorithm to filter it. By design, if a single BeeHaw user subscribes to a porn community, then the entire instance shows up in everyone’s all feed, unless BeeHaw defederates.
You could always make a feature request with the Lemmy devs, but they are swamped with all the bug reports and feature requests. There is no way to tell when or if the feature you’re asking will be implemented, and when BeeHaw will update to it. So to answer your question, no there isn’t. You’ll need to disable NSFW.