Good work. You really nailed the softer shaded areas. You must be very patient to fill out a whole scene like this in detail.
Very satisfying to look at. Makes me want to hunt down my own charcoal sticks and take a jab at some mark making…
Good work. You really nailed the softer shaded areas. You must be very patient to fill out a whole scene like this in detail.
Very satisfying to look at. Makes me want to hunt down my own charcoal sticks and take a jab at some mark making…
Thank you, no one has ever accused me of looking at a situation objectively and I’m not about to start now, anyway now everyone sign my petition to put warning labels on tea
Probably better to limit ownership to directly interested parties, like workers and maybe customers
Black tea to me feels like the sledgehammer, whereas coffee is this smooth slightly syrupy beverage, that feels much more delicate. Case in point for me, I prefer my coffee black, but I would have a hard time handling a cup of tea without at least a bit of oat milk.
I don’t know where tea gets this “gentle” PR from but I find it highly dishonest and honestly I’m tired of keeping my mouth shut about it so there now I’ve said it
I had that, and still get it from time to time, but found that if I wait until I’ve eaten to drink tea that it feels fine.
Coffee on an empty stomach is nothing, but strong tea on an empty stomach has me feeling like being assaulted at a molecular level
Probably not crossing the blood-brain barrier or placenta, I’ll give it that. But yes it can get itchy
I mean the classic is that you must be “really good at computers” like I’m okay at debugging, just by being methodical, but if you plop me in front of a Windows desktop and ask me to fix your printer; brother, I haven’t fucked with any of those 3 things in over a decade.
I would be as a baby, learning everything anew, to solve your problem.
And now we’ve got microstone pollution everywhere 😔 such a shame
Yeah you can tell the installer just had a time limit hard-coded, like it took them about two minutes on their test machine,
Literally shuddering. RIP The epic Doom megawad I was working on for two years 😥
It’s fairly mid traffic because it cuts across a part of the city, so you’re likely to run into someone on a bike or something every ten or so minutes
Please don’t be brusque with me I’ll cry lol
you may want to instruct your men to exercise restrain, when using exclusives
when using exclusives
Here you go
rofl it really is like that lol whoops
Sounds like my ideal coworker tbh
More likely to protect the engineers from legal ramifications
A little bit like how I pictured the setting of Susanna Clarke’s Perinese
Sounds like they’re masto toots?