Wake [she/her, they/them]

I’m the poster formerly known as mehrunes_laser

  • 13 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 2nd, 2024


  • Yeah I was kinda done being nice. Up to that point I was generally letting things slide simply because I didn’t want to upset my mom. We have a very good relationship, and I was trying my best to keep things cordial. But the time had come to bluntly tell her that I wasnt going to tolerate it anymore. I’m a fully grown adult who is self sufficient. I don’t want to go no contact, but I can if that’s the choice they make. I made it clear it was her choice to make. She would be the one to decide. She can get with it, or I can go away. Going NC is 100% not something I want to do. But if she can’t respect me, then I have no obligation to speak to her.

    She apologized and told me all her struggles and worries. But ultimately those struggles and worries are hers to deal with, and they don’t mean she can’t respect me in the meantime.

  • Geeze a lot has happened since the last time I posted. It’s been an eventful and transy month for me. Let’s see, where to begin?

    long winded recap of the last month

    My husband told his mom and sister about me. He wanted to be the one to break the news, so I left it up to him. His sister is absolutely fine with it, but I knew she would be. His mom is I guess confused but ok with it. She’s way more confused about him being ace than me being trans. His brother is another story. We aren’t telling him for a while.

    I confronted my mom. I came out to her a few months ago, but she keeps misgendering me and stuff on the phone. She was in town so I flat out told her this is happening and I’d like it if she got with the program. She’s doing better since our talk, but she still keeps misgendering me, but I think that’s more habit than malicious.

    I have my second appointment with at the awesome gender clinic tomorrow. It will most likely be my last because they are closing in a few months. Which is extremely sad. However, I’m still excited to go. I had blood work last week and got my results yesterday and my levels are fantastic. E was at 213, while t was just 6. Big win for IM estrogen and bica. It’s been 3 months now officially and things are coming along nicely. I’m pretty sure I have the titty growing gene cause these things are starting to be a whole situation.

    And for the most memorable thing that happened in the last month is that my husband and I went and saw one of our favorite bands. He found the band back in February, right after I came out to him and he was still struggling with it. The band is a folk band called Tophouse, and almost all their songs are sappy little love songs. I absolutely love them, and my husband credits them for helping him accept me and us and our future. He got us the tickets in March as a sign of his acceptance and it’s kinda been a milestone approaching that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time.

    Anyway, we got a really cool hotel room for the night. The venue was outdoors, in the queer part of town. The weather was incredible. The band was absolutely fantastic. I ended up crying like 4 times out of pure joy because of how much the night meant to me. E is a hellofa drug because I’ve never cried like that in my life. Afterwards we went bowling because the hotel our room was in had a vintage bowling alley in it. We were the only ones there and it was so fun and really special. He even put my girl name on the scorecard. All in all the night was really special and I love him so much.

    Beyond all of that, I’ve started looking for a new job. I need to get out of the blue collar trades. I don’t want to work on an industrial environment around chuds anymore. What little patience I had for them has completely evaporated and I’m so tired of coming home covered in scrates and bruises from the work. There are a few data centers being built nearby, and tho I don’t want to contribute to that for ethical reasons, it would be a nice way to change careers in the short term.

    Anyway, my ramble is over. One last thing tho:

    I love my trans comrades! cat-trans

  • venting about family stuff

    My mom keeps misgendering me. Keeps referring to me as her son, yadayadayada. It’s starting to really piss me off. It’s been almost two months since I came out to her and she still acts like it didn’t happen. She lives 1.5 hours away and she usually visits about once a month. But she’s cancelled the last 2 times she was supposed to come visit.

    I’ve tried to bring things up to her over the phone a few times since I came out to her, but she changed the subject pretty quick. I’m just starting to get really frustrated about all of this. She’s supposed to visit next weekend but I have fairly low hopes that she’ll actually show.