• 12 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • No, you’re blind to what you’re typing is all because you’re just not reading the replies. You’re arguing against a hypothetical person you’ve already made up in your mind with a gamut of very different things every time you reply but it’s okay.

    Nobody is arguing cops don’t kill black people at unacceptable rates nearly 2x higher than other races.

    Nobody is arguing there aren’t racist cops, or bad cops.

    You are arguing something completely different while not understanding the difference is a failure on your education system and multiple levels of failure at the local and government levels.

    It’d be pitiable if it wasn’t for reasons I’ve labored on ad nauseum about already.

    Trust me when I say everyone understands your position. It’s wrong. You trying to make up arguments other people aren’t saying is doing nothing but wasting both our times lol.

  • So maybe you’re not familiar with churn then. Churn is the turn over rate for employees. I also think you misunderstand what reformation means, how long it takes, and that there’s no tipping point of when something is reformed or not. It wasn’t magically Roman Catholicism to Lutheranism after Luther penned the 95 Theses lol.

    1. You already said that civil rights have gotten better.

    2. You already agreed there are new laws and increased oversight regularly.

    3. Employees turn over as there is natural churn. Combined with churn from increased oversight and scrutiny preventing bad people or stopping heinous shit. You also have lawsuits and criminal proceedings to get rid of bad police.

    4. How do you propose 1 works without 2 and 3? How do you posit that police aren’t better almost year by year if the entire bushel is spoiled?