If a person without a nation state’s budget behind him can land an object even one the size of a shoe on the moon that would be a major scientific breakthrough and an incredible engineering achievement.
Simply the economics of the feat would basically instantly revolutionise a whole host of industries. Even spaceX who’s whole thing is making the economics of space reasonable is nowhere close .
Non horns story time …
A long time ago I was but a young lad living in eastern Europe and I use to watch this cartoon. The actual content of this cartoon are lost to the ravages of my memory but a few things stood out, the main character had a flying board and the opening sequence was him flying through these hallways that were broken into geometric shapes and there was a big face that he flew towards.
Sometime later especially during university it became a recurring niggling idea. Did it exist or was it some dream or fantasy? I’d get enthused once in a while and try searching the depths of the net for it with no luck.
It wasn’t until I had graduated and was working, close to 20 years after the fact that I found it ! The name of this show is now imprinted on my brain.