• 9 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2022


  • I don’t think leading by example is always the best approach. It depends on context and circumstances and case-by-case basis.

    Leading by example can lead to your enemies more easily exploiting opportunities to undermine socialism and anti-imperialist states, since you would primarily be focused on yourself and leaving your allies more open.

    I think it’s extremely unfair to paint assisting revolutions as being anywhere equivalent to “exporting revolution”, that is almost always projection from capitalist states.

    That being said, both approaches have their strengths.

  • I’m “softer” (lol) on sexwork than most marxists are, and I think it tends to be unfairly demonized, often into SWERF territory.

    Of course it’s not that simple or black and white, and nobody should be pressured or coerced into sex work, and it is a genuine horrific travesty that many women find themselves in because they need to make end’s meet, and this is especially true among women and afab of color.

    I’ve spoken to women who are prostitutes and who are also marxists and are genuinely empowered by their work, and have their own thoughts and perspectives that deserve respect and consideration, though since I do live in the global north/collective west, I can’t even imagine how bad things are for women who are forced into it, even after reading about, especially in the global south, and the global north too.

    Not that it particularly matters, nor is there likely anyway of measuring the statistics, but I’d be woeful of saying that 99 percent of sexworkers are trafficking victims.

    But I don’t mean to completely disagree with you, and the percentage is definitely way more than most expect.

  • I’m “friends” with Rainer Shea, or at least I was. I talk to him occasionally, though not in real life.

    I don’t completely trust him, but I don’t completely trust anyone in general.

    He still puts out pretty decent articles and analysis, yet in my opinion he is too close to the PatSoc individuals. I don’t completely like his reasons why, but they still make some kind of sense.

    In regards to Caleb Maupin, Rainer’s explanation is that even though he has done really horrible shit, he says that some of what he has done has been exaggerated or made up by his detractors (I don’t think that statement is true for the most part, but whatever) but because despite Maupin being a PatSoc, Maupin points out the neoliberal hypocrisy of our opponents and actors, such as neoliberals siding with the capitalist world order and supporting NATO’s use of Ukraine as a fleshlight/battering ram, or of neoliberals wanting to basically fucking nuke China.

    I haven’t given up on Rainer, since he seems by all accounts to be a decent person who is willing to admit mistakes and flaws, and he understands how horrible and bad optics most of the PatSocs are, and there is something genuine about him that I sense.

    That all being said, I hate Caleb Maupin and I agree that he really shouldn’t associate with him.