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Cake day: June 4th, 2024


  • I think the author’s perspective is the solution should aim towards the social organisation of workers (in this case artists) as a group in a step towards the worker’s state; the technology is not the problem but the privatisation of the surplus value from socialised labour is. Art-luddites (if such a thing is even possible now) would actually be a good thing - they could threaten “machinary” to gain leverage for workers at large.

    It is not one’s personal failure for attempting to survive in a system that exploits one and their labour, neither is a recognition of any classes that we fit in that is not exclusively proleteriat. As individuals maybe our only realistic solution be attempts towards becoming petty-bourgoisie or highly sought after labour aristocrats - if not already there - (which will not mitigate sufficiently the contradictions) but as an organisation the scope is much much more.

    We have to remember when we are reading more radical writing that they are trying to push where we could be as a society ie the opposite of tailism. However, we should always place those ideas in the context of our own realities and trial them where appropriate, and learn on the feedback from this process - that is the more scientific and dialectic approach.

  • He knows that there is an understanding that zionism is not judaism which is why he has to specify the contrary. As others have noted:

    1. Zionism is not Judaism.
    2. There are multitudes more non-Jewish zionists than there are Jewish ones.
    3. To the Zionist the only valid Jewish identity is that of the fascist settler-colonialist. They seek to erase other Jewish identities especially anti-zionists ones; zionists seek to normalise colonialism, ethnic cleansing and genocide. Zionists often slur Jewish peoples that oppose zionism as “self-loathing”.
    4. Number 3 is a common imperialist/capitalist phenomenon. See for example the erasure of communist Ukrainian identities in favour of fascist diaspora.
    5. Zionism is deeply anti-semitic.

  • Then the governance and judiciary of “where they are from” needs to be changed. They should stop hiding behind supposed legalism but clearly do so because they have that perceived privilege you commonly see from the imperial cores.

    It is very telling their projection of racist supremacy including the presumption of universalism of their worldviews and localities’ laws (noted their British links to BBC and met police), and they are choosing to do so in the context of ethnic cleansing, genocide and war crimes.

    It is not an “exaggeration”; definitions in spoiler (content warning).


    Definitions of Crimes of Sexual Violence in the ICC (as contained in the Elements of Crimes Annex and the Rome Statute), Rape:

    • The perpetrator invaded the body of a person by conduct resulting in penetration, however slight, of any part of the body of the victim or of the perpetrator with a sexual organ, or of the anal or genital opening of the victim with any object or any other part of the body.
    • The invasion was committed by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment, or the invasion was committed against a person incapable of giving genuine consent.
    • [The concept of “invasion” is intended to be broad enough to be gender-neutral.] [It is understood that a person may be incapable of giving genuine consent if affected by natural, induced or age-related incapacity. This footnote also applies to the corresponding elements of article 7(1)(g) - 3, 5 and 6.]


    Edits: clarity and less harsh language

  • The self help book - like many others - has no meaningful concept of externalities so fails to give the toolkit to find the solution to complex problems one may have, and has no real understanding of social cooperation to solve challenging problems. It is essentially relying on the luck of privilege; that your problems are sufficiently devoid of most people’s realities that neither tackling externalities nor real social cooperation or organisation is required to solve them.

  • My personal take on the first question would have been the following: assuming those who built the pyramids were only jewish peoples (though this is factually incorrect) the zionist seeks to erase the of the African Jewish peoples off their African identity when it is convenient - the only valid jewish identity to a zionist is that of settler-colonial fascist, and even that seen through the lens of white supremacism (see for example the forced sterilisation of non-white Jewish peoples in Israel).

    The zionists re-appropriates the crimes of european anti-semitism against non-europeans as justification for crimes against humanity as they expropriate land and resources at the cost human lives and dignity. The fact there are multitudes more non-jewish zionists than there are of jewish ones is an inconvenient truth to those who weaponise the label of anti-semitism by equating the zionism with judaism at the service of imperialism.

    It should be noted that Ture appeared to be arguing using the lens of the coloniser against the latter; that even within the logical constraints of the racist settler apologism the imperialist lackey was wrong.

  • It was something you said a while ago that led me to write this; regarding the societal/cultural pressures of socialism (I think it was in relation how the same politicians would be progressive under socialism but become reactionary in capitalism). Here these would potentially emphasise the collectivist aspects of various chinese cultures while de-emphasising potentially more destructive individualised and reactionary parts; socialism acting as a sort of cultural sieve.

  • It was an interesting video to watch and I can see similarities in user interface design in other parts of the world. I will likely be watching the other videos in the channel. Thank you for sharing.

    However, it still feels like a liberal understanding; maybe the youtuber was trying to avoid using the word socialist or aiming for brevity but if that is the case the analysis still feels incomplete.

    For example, the idea of user interface design because individuals in China are inherently “collectivist” but why? Saying indviduals choosing design principles that are “collectivist” in their environment and therefore choose this in their phone UIs is a lack of an explanation; this just amounts to a type of a circular logic. What has happened over the past century to promote this “culture” (even if we pretend the presumption is true that design principle aesthetics is homegenised across china)? It appears ironically an individualised take on collectivist culture.

    I do agree there are collectivised cultures in socialist nations but if you look at say the special economic zones - there are plenty of chinese liberals in these centres and their preferences for western individualised aesthetics. However what is, let’s say the culture-system, that promotes collectivism? (Answer: socialism)

    It appears that a large portion of analysis from the west considers collectivism as some sort of inherent individual trait belonging to come exotica of peoples rather than maybe a phenonemon borne out of political economic systems and their interactions with other politicsl economies. There is an idealism it is an individual trait that is more inherent in some ethnicities than others. For example, does India have “collectivised” cultures? And where they do not, why not? I put collectivised in quotes not because it is not real but because it feels like a western explanation for hordes of others acting in a borg-like manner. We are individual but they are a collective.

    Another area that the video explored; the idea that chinese people preferred leapfrogging technology to mobile over desktop. Again, why? What was going on in their material conditions that they could not afford the desktop/laptop to begin with? Again the answer purported is an individualised take; indvidual preferences backed up by a supply-demand explanation.

    This is not a comment on the technology provided, in a socialist country all-in-one apps are amazing (in a capitalist country this would just be another monopoly for rentier extraction).

    A more dialectical approach would do wonders. My critique is essentially a criticism of orientalism. It should be noted the youtuber concludes that designers watching this should be more empathetic in their design choices for their audience/clients.

  • These lot appear to have made a name for themselves running imperialist propaganda about threat of certain “state actors”:

    GT Voice: CrowdStrike outage calls for reflection on who is real threat

    For those who may have further questions, it is important to note that as one of the most important cybersecurity companies in the US, CrowdStrike has made almost no attempt to expand its business in the Chinese market. Instead, it has often made baseless attacks and accusations against China and Chinese companies. Because of this, many Chinese companies don’t use CrowdStrike’s software.

    For instance, the company said in its latest annual cyber threat report that last year, “China-nexus adversaries continued to operate at an unmatched pace across the global landscape, leveraging stealth and scale to collect targeted group surveillance data, strategic intelligence and intellectual property.”

    However, the company’s strategy of smearing and excluding China has unexpectedly made the country one of the least affected major economies in the latest tech outage.
