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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • While I get the desire for outrage and backlash, a generous reading of what he said would be something like “In the past, making music meant needing access to numerous instruments and equipment. Today, you can create the same kind of music with a cheap PC and some programs.”

    He’s not attacking creativity or saying your time isn’t valuable. He’s saying the barrier to entry has dropped dramatically to the point that almost anyone that wants to create content, can.

    Look at any medium and notice the wide array of tools now available to the average person. You can do Photoshop and video effects using entirely free programs for the most part. Or paying a fraction of what you’d have paid in the past for less features.

    Under that reading, he’s absolutely correct.

    But yeah, Spotify sucks, I get that. They don’t pay creators fairly. Absolutely. Don’t disagree with that.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldAll possible permutations
    4 months ago

    We think we are able to. Prove we aren’t just fancy biological computers. No one has proven what consciousness really even is yet.

    If the quote was “a million microbes”, maybe you’d have a point. But it’s monkeys. Our closest ancestors. What we are one step removed from. And y’all trying to act like monkeys are robots and were transcendent beings made of energy or some shit. We’re animals, just like them. Slightly smarter, but animals. We are the monkeys.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldAll possible permutations
    4 months ago

    If no free will, no intention. It’s that simple. In strict determinism, every action, thought, feeling, whatever, was predetermined at the moment of the big bang by the starting state and physics.

    I’m absolutely saying that all of humanities creations are “coincidence”. Just because you don’t like what I have to say doesn’t make me stupid. I know what I was describing.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.world*opens calculator app*
    4 months ago

    Nah, it’s because we don’t keep putting forth a Strawman argument. Tipped jobs are ALLOWED to pay their workers less than minimum wage IF AND ONLY IF their tips do not make up the difference. If they do not, the employer must cover it.

    It is literally subsidizing the wages that otherwise the business would legally have to pay. So how do you fight back? You don’t tip and employees need to properly report their tips. The system already has the mechanism in place to fix this.

    But you say this and all the people who make WAY MORE than minimum wage with their tips get up in arms because you’re daring to take away their advantage. It’s being exploited by both sides. It’s not about fair treatment for everyone, it’s about “getting mine at someone else’s expense”.

  • The people who claim that voting will solve our problems. You know, like all the Dems saying “well you have to vote!”. If we were in a functional healthy democracy, sure. In this current farce? Nah. That’s just feeding the slow deline of our nation. Will it possibly let Nazi Trump win? Sure. But we’re already in a corporate oligarchy anyways, we might as well throw the mask off and admit to it. Trump winning is the least of our problems when the Tree of Liberty is already diseased and rotting away.

    We can either keep the current system on life support and keep the farce going for a few more elections/decades, or we can pull the plug and admit that the system as it is today has failed and needs to be reworked.

    But go ahead, act like “voting for the lesser of two evils”(which has been a thing for decades now) really matters and is enacting any real change.

    Remind me again how many of our basic rights keep getting swept away? And before you start the usual “well it’s the Republicans fault!” speil, consider if they would be able to do the same bullshit if the democratic party had any real teeth and didn’t just roll over conveniently every time. We have words for that: accomplices and enablers.

    The system is rotten to the core and until we admit that, we aren’t going anywheres. It’s a prisoners dilemma and we’re all fighting for our self comfort instead of the greater good.

  • Mass protests. Civil disobedience. The kinda of things that ended slavery and helped raise women’s rights. The things we used to do instead of sitting down and just taking it. Look at the French: they stage months/years long protests. Now check their labor laws and compare it to the US. Where would you rather work?

    It’s not going to end until people accept that this change won’t be easy and won’t happen taking the easy way. It’s going to be a shit ton of uphill battles. But that’s the only way to take power back from the oppressors: you demand it.

    You think Biden could keep his course of actions up if a large percentage of citizens were out on the streets protesting? I’m asking you to hold your elected representatives accountable. And if they arent doing as they should, you should damn well make it known. Not go “well, he’s not gonna do what I want, but he’s not a Nazi”. DONT ROLL OVER AND TAKE IT.

    Do you realize how much you can slow the government down just by calling your representatives? Even if you don’t talk to them, every secretary and assistant taking calls instead of doing other things slows them down. Keep calling. Don’t stop. Send in letters. Show up to meetings whenever possible. Be visible and make your voice heard.