It wouldn’t fit if he were honoured during his lifetime, true.
It wouldn’t fit if he were honoured during his lifetime, true.
But he is the canonically most important person in starfleet history!
Not to take away from her academic achievements at all, but: Plenty of people graduate Harvard every year and receive Master degrees.
But we don’t measure who did it best out of all people on earth.
Well, Harvard might, idc. Either way, it’s also more fun to watch a bunch of people running fast than to watch them be really good in science.
Step 1: Open your browser‘s console
Step 2: Type random shit and see what happens
Step 3: Google why things happen that you don’t understand or how to make things happen you want
Optional steps 4&5: call yourself a senior dev and profit.
Seriously though, you’ve given no context to your question. Are you already a seasoned Haskell purist but can’t wrap your head around the monstrosity that is JS? Are you wondering how websites work? Do you have no idea what programming is but heard you can ‘do cool stuff if you know js’?
Good luck though, JS is the acid trip of (serious) programming languages. It’s fun though!
I love that, will use it. Thanks!
It’s a v-bindage kink.
Are you implying that you masturbate to Angular files?
IIRC, your spoilery “so” is the other way round. The right side is the definition, and the left-hand side a layman’s shorthand, as the root operator isn’t defined on negative numbers.
I might very well be wrong. My being a mathematician has been over for a while now, my being a pedantic PITA not though.
Thanks to Tactics I hugely got into XCOM later, and I still hope for some kind of proper remake or sequel.