The part I thought that was wild was them (DeSantis Administrative Office) calling it a “fad” “We disagree with the court’s erroneous rulings on the law, on the facts, and on the science. As we’ve seen here in Florida, the United Kingdom, and across Europe, there is no quality evidence to support the chemical and physical mutilation of children. These procedures do permanent, life-altering damage to children, and history will look back on this fad in horror,” spokeswoman Julia Friedland said in an email.
IVF was the only way my wife and myself could have children. I have my first newborn this year, we have additional eggs frozen. It took a long time to get to where I am at for IVF, fuck anyone that even slightly supports this atrocity. I hope people both Rep/Dem look bad and are sickened at what is trying to be accomplished