impartial_fanboy [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2020

  • Maybe stop ignoring entire fields of research that, to this date, are still figuring out what biological brains are doing and how they are doing them instead of just nodding along to what you already want to believe from people that have blinders for anything outside of their field (computers, in this case).

    Well first, brains aren’t the only kind of intelligent biological system but they aren’t actually trying to 1 for 1 recreate the human brain, or any other brain for that matter, that’s just marketing. The generative side of LLM’s is what gets the focus in the media but it’s really not the most scientifically interesting or what will actually change that much all things considered.

    These systems are absolutely fantastic at finding real patterns in chaotic systems. That’s where the potential lies.

    It’s like if people were trying to develop rocketry to achieve space travel, but you and yours were smugly stating that this particularly sharp knife will cut the heavens open, just you wait.

    More like trying to go to the moon with a Civil War era rocket, it is early days yet. But progress is insanely quick.

  • I do think people here have a tendency to just hate all of it out of hand, which I get to some extent.

    Yeah the hype cycle is certainly annoying. As is the accompanying fire/re-hire at lower pay cycle that follows any automation.

    ignoring the fact that it can render pretty amazing looking videos in such a short time span.

    I actually think the generative aspect of neural networks is the least interesting/useful/innovative/etc. Though it will admittedly be more interesting when an LLM can say, use blender to make a video rather than just wholesale generating it. Or at least generate the files/3d models necessary to have it be edited by a person just like they would anything else. I suspect there will have to be a pretty significant architecture change for them to be able to make convincing/coherent movie-length videos.

    Chaotic system control, like they’re doing with nuclear fusion plasma is the most interesting, to me anyway.

  • To expand on that for people who think it’s all just smoke and mirrors. I think, just like the assembly line, work places will be reorganized to facilitate the usefulness/capabilities of LLM’s and, perhaps more importantly, designed to obviate their weaknesses.

    It’s just that people are still figuring out what that new organization will look like. There hasn’t been a Henry Ford type for LLM’s yet (and hopefully won’t be a Nazi this time). Obviously there’s no guarantee there will be such a person/organization but I don’t think it super unlikely either.

  • I love (by which I mean hate) how ‘purity test’ has just come to refer to having any uncompromising moral position whatsoever.

    Again it’s one of those cliche situations of the left wants to not kill Palestinians and the right wants to kill all of them and liberals are like, “but you gotta compromise to get what you want …”

    Though hearing the Biden superpacs are focusing almost entirely on digital stuff makes me hope that most of these are just shills, even the downvoting is inconsistent, like the horde missed some comments or misinterpreted some of the commenters to think they’re pro-lib when they’re not. Very strange either way.