• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Cold enough that even my colleagues were wearing a puffer jacket indoors. I chickened out and drove in rather than walking because my fingers damn near fell off just in the few minutes between car and office. But my body is definitely feeling the effects of being sedentary :/ I’m going to try and walk in tomorrow for sure.

    There’s still a deluge of work coming through, but at least I’m not handling it solo - I can’t wait for my other colleague to be back after the school hols so I can palm off some other stuff, sit down and improve some of these processes before the can gets kicked even further down the road into the next universe.

    Thinking of making some pulled pork-style jackfruit now, for lunch tomorrow. Off I go into a rabbit hole of recipes.

  • Oh man I thought today was gonna be cruisey, and I did finish nearly everything by 1pm and stretched out my time at uni a bit, but being the conscientious idiot that I am, I decided to do one last work task when I got back to make up a lil bit of the 2 hours I was away (even though the deadline isn’t due for ages and nobody’s keeping track of my hours at this job)…

    …what was supposed to be a quick half an hour jobbie spiraled into hours because there was a fundamental issue with the entire thing - like, someone’s property boundary might be so off that either they or Council are in big trouble. It’s way beyond my experience or pay grade, but I just can’t let a bit of good problem-solving go…

    At least it wasn’t outrageous, I came home around 4:15pm and wrapped up around 8pm. Dinner, shower, bunch of tidying up, and now bed.

    Also bloody hell, I think I do need a new chair, or at least reevaluate my seating height; my neck and back haven’t responded well to wfh today. Alright, NO overworking the next two days.

  • Absolutely glorious WFH today, I don’t want to return to it full time personally, but on days like today it’s perfect. No need to drag myself out of bed to brave the cold and a car that takes forever to get warm, get all the sun I need in my light filled study (with jazz on in the background to lift the mood even more) - even get to do a load of laundry while I’m at it. Knock off early, soak up more rays… cook dinner while it’s still light out… so happy I have this option.

  • They’re in pots, but trapped in an inconvenient part of my narrow balcony where bringing them in would mean moving half my plants around (and tbh the curry leaf plants are big fellas that I don’t really have space for indoors any more, I used to bring them in in past years).

    If I was organised enough I’d have acquired a bit of geotextile or something to drape over the plants but I’m just going to hope they’re protected enough in their awkward corner with the brick wall and partial shelter. 🤞 I doubt anything will die, except maybe this chilli plant that’s been hanging in there for over 3 years.

  • I’m partway through s3 e9 and I definitely found this season a lot more spaced out and chill than the past two seasons. It seems to be the reason it’s not so popular either, but I like it. More slow-burn character exposés and a great showcase of the acting talent, after the frenetic pace of the last two seasons. I’ve read that they filmed s4 at the same time so it tracks that they’re taking longer with plot developments this time around.