
hai, am just a xenogender voidling :>

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • So, I just noticed my comment got removed because some mod interpreted it as me saying the Palestine Genocide is complicated. Where did I once state it is complicated?? I just wanted to analyze it through to the best of my knowledge and even remained open to criticism.

    This is blatant silencing in my opinion, to the mod who deleted it, I publicly ask you to message me, to tell me your full reasoning behind this so we can civilly discuss it in private. Also, to remind, I clearly don’t support any sort of genocides, they are disgusting and horrendous.

    Outside of that, have a nice day/night.

  • Being completely honest here, I don’t think we should defederate from them. I don’t see a point why. They are clearly pro-LGBTQ+, have huge support to our fellow trans brethren.
    It also rubs me wrong in every single way to outright scrutinize one of the oldest still active Lemmy Instances, we all have to clearly remember which folks precursor the majority of us. Those being the left wing folks, we should respect their space and we respect theirs, otherwise it will be like mocking them to their faces. I have seen it with many others users treating them like garbage, how about we don’t? It is like inviting guests to your house and them stealing that home and turning it the way they want, and when you complain they start spurting crap about you being horrible, etc, etc.

    I have said this one, and I will say this again;

    For fuck’s sake keep your mouth shut, and move on(This doesn’t apply to fascists/conservatives). (This comment is not meant to come as rude, I am just stating my honest opinion.)

  • i am starting to see more and more right wingers from what i have observed so far. too many hating leftists, which to me, doesn’t make that much sense. if you don’t want to be in a LEFTIST instance/platform, there’s others ones that will welcome you 100%, or just simply block+ignore these instances. simple as that.

    also to point out, i am seeing transphobic sounding statements in this comment section including, by a few certain users. which is in fact worrying in my opinion.

    why can’t you people just accept that before you came this was/is a LEFTIST place! accept it or leave. simple as that.

    this coming from me, a centrist leaning towards the left. if you want to argue with my, feel free to do so.