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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2024


  • None of us are deliberately being antagonistic or trolls. The others who have already tried to help you were far nicer than I’m willing to be.

    You said earlier in your comments that you weren’t as careful with your words as you’d like to be. I think you have a long road to recovery ahead of you in that sense. If you’re going to deliberately enter a space populated by marxist leninists than it would probably be a good idea to do a little bit of homework and make sure that the actual terms and language you’re using are based in reality with clear definitions ie. marxist leninist.

    Second point: you claim to want to somehow totally disentangle the United States of America from this conversation…about North Korea. Do you understand why it’s a little strange to only want to talk about one without the other? Other commenters have already pointed out to you that it was they who destroyed their country, infrastructure, and way of life. It’s really just silly (and honestly a little bit suspicious) that you want to “analyze” NK “fascism” without talking about the American fascism that resulted in their state existing at all. That isn’t analysis. It’s just a weird thought experiment where you rank a nation in isolation based on stats like it’s a fighting game character or something.

    Also why aren’t you interested in what you call “American corruption”? What you’re describing is American imperialism which is responsible for the vast array of crises that afflict all of us right now in the modern day. It is the biggest contradiction of our times. If you’re not interested in it that’s fine but you can go splash in the political kiddy pool on .world or reddit or something.

    You THINK that having clear definitions for these things is somehow salami-slicing but it is incredibly important. I understand that in your worldview (probably lib) Opinions are the most important thing in politics and it’s all of our responsibility to tiptoe around each others individual definitions, but that’s just not reality.

    I’m really not interested in continuing to bicker about whatever it is you think militarism is but every description you’ve given of it applies to the US at at least some phase of it’s history. Trying to ascribe some kind of rank to how “militaristic” a society is useless. Why not also rank nations based on how “attractive” they are while we’re at it? It’s the same type of immaterial mumbo jumbo based on colonial thinking.

  • I’m not even joking, libs vision of “miltarism” is purely based on how visible the military is. Watch any trash “news” segment on NK and they ALWAYS cut to footage of tanks driving around and military parades. It was the same with Russia in the cold war. And the kicker is that the US flies jets over stadiums and has cop parades and shit and is culturally obsessed with it’s military so it makes even less sense.

  • I feel like OP is running on deeply flawed, fluffy, neoliberal definitions of terms like Nationalism and Dictatorship. Pretty sure State & Revolution alone clarifies that ALL states are dictatorships because they need to be in order to continue existing, so I guess I’ll point them there first. Also, the nationalism practiced by the US is pretty different than the nationalism practiced by colonized nations who are trying to expel occupiers and build a state that they actually control.

    Btw OP how exactly is Hyper Militarism different than regular ol’ militarism? What is the cutoff point? Is it % of GDP spent on the military? Or is it just when you drive scary tanks around in public? The US empire via it’s shell organization NATO is forcing it’s member states to spend billions more on “defense” as we speak to prop up the MIC and drive the motor of global imperialism. Given that, wtf does “militarism” even mean?

    The US and it’s citizens have no leg at all to stand on complaining about other countries military conduct. The US lets it’s allies maim kill and rape civilians when they’re not doing it themselves. What makes you think that brutality against innocents would be a political dealbreaker for them? They’re always fine with it as long as it’s just the cost of doing business.

  • Western society has done a fantastic job at creating a narrative that the west recognized the nazis as a threat early on but wasn’t prepared for another world war and was in denial or something. The truth is that westerners loved the nazis lol. Churchill went gaga over how they ruthlessly crushed labour and physically attacked communists. The New Orc Times did the best it could to muddy the waters and give them the benefit of the doubt, and our own prime minister at the time wrote that he was a “mystic” and “liberator of his people”. And that was in his private diary, not even some kind of official communique where you could argue that diplomacy was needed.

    Liberals (at best) always think that fascism is something they can hold in their hands, harness, and use to get what they want. But more often they’re functionally just fascists who are embarrassed by the label.

  • yeah Canadian here too. Canadians largely suck ass as well but it’s become impossible for me to not resent USAmericans for how they expect the rest of the world to revolve around their stupid fucking elections, how even the ones who flatter themselves as leftists eagerly lap up every little morsel of court intrigue set before them but are radio silent on all the horrendous shit they inflict on the rest of the world. They think they can either beat fascism or run away from it to Canada or Europe (LMAO good luck with that, it’s cute/pathetic how they think those places are lefty havens) but the truth is they don’t even understand what fascism is other than vaguely hating minorities. I think the honest truth is this: Trump trolls them and they fall for it. He’s honest about how America is a place built FOR people like him. And they rise to the bait every time. They get butthurt and will do ANYTHING to make that feeling go away, including supporting austerity, genocide, whatever, so long as they get a share of the imperial plunder and can go on twitter every day without seeing him or his fans. The Lesser Evil crap is just a license they apply retroactively. I can’t say I feel bad for them or even want to co-operate with them anymore.