• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I want to learn more about the LGBT community and since I’m a cis white guy living in a post soviet country, who grew up in a conservative family, I know jack shit.

    So I want to ask this question, is it okay for minors to have an opportunity to make surgeries on themselves? Like, we have age gaps for a reason, is there something that I’m missing here? Should there not be any regulations regarding this?

    Like, minors are notoriously not great at making decisions or being reasonable, I wouldn’t trust myself doing something this big, that’s for sure.

  • I get you, I’m surrounded with this narrative and even have people who openly hang the OUN flag in their bedroom and showcase it in online classes… no one speaks out. Why? Because they were forces who “fought against both sides”, even though it’s proven that it’s not true, it doesn’t matter, because government propaganda supports this narrative (you can already guess where I live).

    Don’t be upset, you are not alone. Don’t let them discourage you. We are with you, comrade!

  • Top comment says:

    One side is working to dismantle democracy. The other side is not.

    WHAT DEMOCRACY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? The one that enables your country to fund a genocide across the globe DESPITE the outrage of it’s citizens and the… WHOLE WORLD?

    You would enable Republicans to take away rights from LGBT people in America. You would enable abortion bans and enable even more of the genocide in Gaza.

    How you can enable MORE genocide? People are finite, you either commit genocide, or you don’t. Or you think with your tiny fucking libbrain that SMALL GENOCIDE is totally okay?

    But for now, you have to understand the reality of our two party system, and deal with it.

    Yeah, sure, do not try to change anything, just deal with our shitty system because there’s no other option. Jesus fucking Christ…

    edit: I wanna post this reply in their comment section, let’s see what happens :)