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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Cults are about power, specifically for the leader of the cult. It’s reasonable to assume that the mayor of the town and most of his cronies are cult members themselves, willfully working with the cult for mutual gain, or the cult has some kind of leverage over them.

    Let the sorcerer get a mob, which while enroute to the cult to rescue their friends will be joined by the sheriff etc.

    Meanwhile, the rest of the party will want to fight their way out or die trying, and it won’t be fun for them if you railroad their actions in another direction. So, let them! The cultists won’t kill them without orders (because maybe it’s okay to kill these people, but maybe not, and none of them want to take the initiative and risk upsetting the leader)

    The party successfully breaks free just as the sorcerer shows up with the mob lead by the sheriff who’s on the cult’s side. He then “legally” arrests the party for attacking the towns citizens. The civilian members of the mob are easily quelled and dispersed by the sheriff’s men, leaving the party to fight a proper mini-boss battle (the sheriff and his men) OR let themselves be arrested (maybe by the suggestion of the NPC friend?) as a means of getting closer to the truth and whoever is REALLY in charge.

    If they fight and win, they’ll have a blast and earn their escape.

    If they let themselves get arrested, you can advance the plot or have a sympathetic townsperson help them escape stealth fully.

    Either way they should have a fun 🙂

  • Because there couldn’t be any legitimate reason to do the things they’re banning, like cloud seeding, crop dusting, air dropping seeds for reforesting, I dunno, literally releasing anything as you fly over even like CO2 exhaust as mentioned by the other commentor.

    Literally all matter is a chemical, chemical compound, or substance. IMO this law is going to be struck down super fast just for being overly broad. Not that that would stop Republicans from passing it and spending millions of dollars in public money defending it in court.

  • man who is able to think things out for himself

    Otherwise known as a man who ignores people who have actually worked things out for realsies instead of just playing at mind exercises. A man who has “thought it out for for himself” that the earth is flat, modern medicine is poison, and immigrants are lazy criminals here to steal his job.

  • I think it’s pretty authoritarian to seek to stifle any speech.

    Ohhhhh you’re a free speech absolutist. Gotcha.

    There’s a fuckton of philosophy and case law behind why free speech absolutism is a bad idea. Maybe you can spend some time looking into that, you might gain some insight into why everyone is shooting you down.

    Also, words mean things and while authoritarianism always shuts down free speech eventually, not all restrictions on free speech is authoritarianism. This would be the nuance that you claimed other people refuse to see, that you yourself have eschewed in this case.