• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • @blazera

    An oath or legal affirmation can be made if what you’re saying is true and accurate to the best of your own ability and perceptions.

    If you say something under oath with the intent to deceive or omit key information or evidence for any reason really, then this could be considered perjury, which is a crime under most legal systems.

    If you truly believe you saw an alien and were completely convinced of that and testified that you saw one, yet your claim was found to be factually incorrect, you most likely would not be liable for perjury nor did you do anything illegal (in many modern legal systems). You would simply be wrong.

    This could cause you to become an “unreliable witness” which might mean anything else you say or claim is taken with less weight, even in areas you might specialize in. For example, how much would you trust a cardiac surgeon who claimed they had frequent encounters with aliens from outer space?

  • How are they measuring the costs here? Even fast-food burgers have significantly shot up in price.

    If we go by raw ingredients, then healthy food can be considerably cheaper than pre-made garbage and fast food.

    If we add the time cost of traveling to a grocery store, shopping, and then preparing the healthier food, then it could become more expensive.

    There’s also the fact that most of the USA has absolute shit public transportation which increases the burden for people who can’t afford cars to get groceries in the first place. That and the time costs can be reduced with grocery deliveries, however. this might not be a viable option in all areas or work schedules; You want to be home when the groceries are delivered.

    Then there is the fact that there are a lot of food deserts , especially in low-income areas. This can make it harder, if not impossible for people to even get healthier food.

    Not sure where I’m going with my train of thought here…

  • Heh, I almost dealt with this yesterday when I cleaned up my room a tad. Everything was scattered on the floor and in order to clean up things better, I had to shuffle everything around until I got everything put back away, albeit imperfectly.

    This is one of those situations where ADHD people need to keep going and find a home for the displaced items, even if it’s back where it was before. In fact, I’d recommend putting everything back either where it was before, or close to it. Maybe just keep like things with like.

    If you’re ADHD, you’re going to forget where you “reorganized” everything to and you’ll end up tearing everything apart looking for that thing you put away yesterday.

    It’s not a perfect answer, but it’s better than leaving everything on the floor…

  • I think a lot of people here are confusing liquid assets/cash and genuinely believe millionaires and billionaires have this as pure cash in their bank accounts.

    In reality, a lot of the money is tied up in non-liquid assets like property, physical assets, and stocks.

    Sure these wealthy people can sell their shares for example, but if they sell too many at once, it will drop the value of the shares.

    This is likely why Elon Musk can’t afford to pay his bills. Not only is he a grifter and a loser, he’s likely extremely cash poor and doesn’t have enough liquidity to pay his debts. It’s unlikely he’ll ever admit this however.

    Arguably, the majority of the money these billionares have is essentially speculative.

    The more you think about how the economy works, the more you realize how much of a facade it really is. The stock market is a huge sham as well. Most stocks simply don’t exist and the amount of value manipulation that occurs is astounding. It’s all fake.

    I think the sooner we begin to realize that the economy is one giant paper tiger and if we just start telling banks and other “money” purveyors that lock us into our flawed system to go fuck themselves, we can really take away the power from “the rich.”

  • AM radio is still useful for public broadcast for emergencies. It offers better range, is more simple to generate, and is more resilient to intense weather that could interfere with FM or other radio frequencies.

    Some of these emergencies can knock out other communication methods, so the idea of depending on phone alerts is a bit naive.

    That’s also assuming the emergency didn’t also knock out electricity and your ability to charge your phone over many days or weeks or longer. AM/FM radios require a few batteries and can last a long time.

    With that said, you can still get emergency information on many FM stations as well. There are also other radio frequency spectrum that are used for public broadcast information during emergencies. Familiarize yourself with the ones in your areas and ensure you have a way to receive those frequencies.

    But ultimately I get the decision. Electric vehicles are essentially EMI (electromagnetic interference) machines. Like @debounced said in their post, dealing with this EMI is a tough problem to solve. Sure it can be solved, but the benefits really don’t outweigh the effort.

  • @printerjammed Simply put, this is bad for so many reasons. Since you’re likely going to reject any direct reasons why this is bad, I’ll give you an analogy.

    I’m going to take “and never update it” almost literally and assume you guys haven’t installed security patches since you first installed it, or stopped at some point long ago.

    You’re essentially driving a 15 year old car that hasn’t had an oil change, brakes changed, or tires changed. There are known MAJOR safety recalls on the seat belts, airbags, and seats. You have refused to take your car in for free servicing under the recall and basically said, “It’s working fine now. It’s not worth the hassle scheduling an appointment at the mechanic. I’ll take my chances.”

    But hey, “The car still gets me around and fits in my garage” you smugly think to yourself. “Why should I do anything different? It’s MY car and I’m only endangering myself here.”

    Nope. Your car is endangering everyone else on the road. Bad brakes and tires are major risks for everyone around you. You can easily lose control and hurt or kill others on the road. Bad seats, seat belts, and airbags means that occupants of your vehicle (your companies clients) can be injured or killed if they fail. Even if only YOURS fails, well…you’re the driver. Also, if you do crash and your seat belt fails, you’re now a projectile in the car and can injure or kill other passengers. I’ve seen this happen too many times as a firefighter and an EMT. Unseatbelted occupants are an enormous hazard.

    Suffice to say your company is a vector for major attacks and vulnerabilities that not only will affect you, but your clients and potentially countless others who have nothing to do with your company since your server could be part of a botnet for all you know.

    bUt We HaVe OtHeR sEcUrItY cOnTrOlS aNd PrOpEr PrOtOcOlS fOr…” I’m going to cut you off here and straight up say: No. You don’t. The fact you still have Windows Server 2008 installed and refuse to even update it tells me enough about your entire IT department and policies.
