moonlake [he/him]

I’m just a teenage dirtbag, baby 🇵🇸

  • 112 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2020


  • My year was going great until I got fucked up with some health issues that lasted for a few months. I was going running 2x per week before that. I finally recovered but now it’s too hot to live so I’m trying to figure out how to stay active and exercise. I wish I had a fucking peloton but they are incredibly expensive.

    Overall it was a decent year so far and I managed to make a lot of progress, especially with nutrition and exercise. When the summer ends I’m gonna get back to running every week. Until then I’ll try to do some bodyweight exercises. Last week I touched grass with friends, I want to keep that up in July. touch-grass

  • This week my goal was to resume tracking nutrition and make sure to get enough calories. I managed to succeed, I tracked my nutrition almost every day in Cronometer and ate at maintenance.

    Other than that I didn’t get much done since I spent most of my free time watching the Euro football championship lol. It was a good time. I’m rooting for countries that have better (less dogshit) politics.

    Next week my goal is the same as this week - tracking nutrition and hitting my calorie goals.