Hello! My names is Matt. I love coffee, Star Trek, props, and video/audio editing! I’ve got some fun stuff on my YouTube page if you’re interested!

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • @M500 Season 1 and most of 2 of TNG is hard to get through because it’s pretty campy. Wesley went on trial on a planet because he crushed some flowers. They were going to put him to death. :ablobflushed:

    Personally though… I’m very into The Wrath of Khan. It’s my list topper of great Trek. And I think that causes a lot of my disdain for “Into Darkness”. Every time I’ve watched it, it makes me like angry? Which is weird I guess, but I can’t objectively watch it. It’s always with judgement.

  • mwest@toot.workstoStar Trek*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    @sj_zero The glow seems to suggest it’s coming from an emitter, so I’d say you read it right.

    In TMP, the antimatter imbalance cut the phasers off because they’re channeled through the engines. Which has probably been fixed in the “current” Star Trek technobabble schematics. Engines and phasers not mixing is an established thing, though!