• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I have a Fenix 6 Pro, which is one of Garmin’s flagships but already two generations old (It was followed by Fenix 7 and a few weeks ago the brand new Fenix 7 Pro just came out).

    Their stress-measurement is some voodooesque-magik-hokus-pokus-algorithm which’s inner workings Garmin doesn’t really reveal. So from a health-standpoint I would not rely on it. It somehow uses HRV-measurements combined with all the other sensors of the watch to calculate this index but the details are obscure.

    But it is an interesting data point to compare my days. For example the stress-level also is off the charts whenever I’m starting to get sick and it is much lower whenever our child is out of the house ;)

    So: Yes it can be interesting but has no medical relevance, therefore I would not spend the huge price Garmin demands just for this feature. Othe features have more weight for me: It is a SmartWatch with a display which doesn’t need illumination to be readable and runs a week without the need to recharge and it is great for all kinds of sports. :)

  • Der Vision 6 fror bei mir immer wieder ein (das haben sie dann aber nach über einem Jahr (!) irgendwann mit Update gefixt) und blätterte erstaunlich langsam. Seit ich koReader benutze flutscht alles, neue Seite kommt quasi ohne Verzögerung und die Anpassungsmöglichkeiten sind grandios. Aber es ist eben nicht mehr das Originalprodukt von Tolino. Verglichen mit Kindle läuft der Tolino wirklich peinlich schlecht.