For one, most of the direct attack complaints are about mods in this not deleted post we are discussing in. I’m assuming you are wanting to single out the one comment that had a 30 minute lifespan in my 2 hour thread before I deleted the thread.
There was enough time for the comment to be made, for me to respond, for you to respond to my response, for me to respond to your response to my response, and again for you to leave nother response.
The direct personal attack was in that thread for half of that time, and our discussion was happening in direct relation to people shitting on a 25 year old film in a thread of me trying to talk to fans about a theatrical rerun.
So outcome:
You get to keep the commenters who will shit on new input, and you will lose somebody who was willing to post and engage in your sub in a positive way, because his joke was too mean to shitposters.
But really, the question on your moderatorship is why are you letting people launch personal attacks on me here? Why are you attacking me personally.
I wouldn’t pay too much attention to OP
How is saying somebody’s input has no value different from saying somebody has bad taste?
So when you invalidate what I’m saying, it’s deescelation. When I say the exact same thing, it’s a personal attack? Why couldn’t that have been me deescelating the needless shitposting in my movies thread?
And according to you, there is appropriate times for personal attacks, but only in response to good faith dialogue, not to shitposters.
Why did this post need further deescelation? It’s 3 days old and dead. The only people keeping it alive is the follow-up mod clique coming in to launch personal attacks.
And what are these 50+ comments if not a conversation? This is again, you letting your conflict of interest take over, which is why I wanted an alternative mod to stand in and direct all of this non relevant discussion elsewhere.
You want to justify your personal attack while still feeling vindicated in taking action against me. The comparison of your
To my
Is off-putting so you want to dismiss my statements again.
It’s your community. Feel free to ban me whenever.