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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023

  • dont’ over think it. Sex is important in a relationship and if one person isn’t willing to do that with you, its a major problem and must be dealt with. I’m similar age as you and my wife and i have sex all the time with very few problems if any. yes, sometimes we wait because one of us is sick, or on a period, but generally right after that, we get right back to it without much delay.

    you’re situation isn’t normal, don’t gaslight yourself into thinking it is. you’re a human being with needs. you don’t have to “suppress” anything. now that being said, yea if you are a sex addict and watching porn all the time and asking your wife to do things she doesn’t want to do, yea, thats not good. but if you’re being genuine and just wanting to have some sex, and she is stonewalling you, its either time to separate, or find a compromise.

  • what they did was clearly terrible, but at the same time, this is what happens when you make the age of consent for this stuff 18. you could make the exact same argument about military service, they use all the same tactics. I hope they win and get some money and a piece of their dignity back, but what’s done is done. raise your kids right, and don’t normalize objectification of women, teach your daughters to be strong, and they’ll never have to respond to a sketchy ad about “modeling” in the back of some city rag.

  • Why leave out the fact that the Jews also have an equally legitimate claim on the land, in addition to having been taken close to the brink of total extermination by circumstances completely beyond their control? A normal, compassionate individual would welcome these people in, make room for them, and live at peace under a stable society, tolerant of different points of view. However, that is not what the Jews encountered upon the creation of Israel. It was just a continuation of the campaign to exterminate them, from a different group. Are you going to argue that it’s bad for Germans to murder Jews, but it is okay for Muslims?

  • Why leave out the fact that the Jews also have an equally legitimate claim on the land, in addition to having been taken close to the brink of total extermination by circumstances completely beyond their control? A normal, compassionate individual would welcome these people in, make room for them, and live at peace under a stable society, tolerant of different points of view. However, that is not what the Jews encountered upon the creation of Israel. It was just a continuation of the campaign to exterminate them, from a different group. Are you going to argue that it’s bad for Germans to murder Jews, but it is okay for Muslims?

  • TF are you talking about? Muhammed was rich as fuck while he was slaughtering his “enemies”. Ask yourself why you are struggling to justify it. Ask yourself why poor palestinians are worshiping a wealthy artistocrat. stop trying to paste a “class war” onto this struggle. you’re not going to get anywhere with it. Iran backs this shit and they are one of the wealthiest nations in the world. Stop trying to justify terrorism as the actions of “oppressed poor people”. It’s intellectually dishonest and lazy.

  • Gladly most muslims selectively do not follow the parts of the Quran which advocate violence, but it is definitely in there. Islamic extremists are basically literal interpreters of certain parts of the book, mostly those written by Muhammad himself, who was a warrior/aristocrat LARP’ing as a spiritual guru.


    "Subsequent to obtaining a divine instruction to battle the polytheists, Muhammad dispatched his followers to perform raids on the Quraysh’s trading caravans. Certain Meccan followers of his were reluctant to partake, as it would mean attacking their own tribespeople. This vexed Muhammad, resulting in the revelation of Quran verse 2:216, among others, which asserts that fighting is good and has been made obligatory for them. After several months of failures, Muhammad managed to achieve his first successful raid, at Nakhla, during a month that the pagans forbade themselves from shedding blood. When the bountiful plunder was being brought back to him in Medina, Muhammad was met with censure from the locals. He contended that his followers had misconstrued his command, and he postponed taking his one-fifth portion of the spoil until a verse was ultimately revealed, legitimizing the attack.

    In the early stages of his time in Medina, Muhammad was optimistic that the Jewish people would acknowledge him as a Prophet and strove to obtain converts from their community. However, his efforts were unsuccessful and even faced ridicule, as the Jews perceived inconsistencies between the Quran and their own scriptures. Consequently, the Quran accused the Jews of hiding and modifying parts of their holy texts. The Jewish criticism and refusal presented a danger to his prophetic claims, and, as a result, the views of Muhammad and the Quran towards them worsened. This then led to the reorientation of the Muslim prayer direction, the qibla, from Jerusalem to the Kaaba. Following the Battle of Badr, Muhammad revealed his intention to expel the Jews from the land. Once the ransom arrangements for the Meccan captives were finalized, he initiated a siege on the Banu Qaynuqa, regarded as the weakest and wealthiest of Medina’s three main Jewish tribes."

    These terrorists wouldn’t hesitate to slit your throat if you didn’t pledge allegiance to Muhammad, and even if you did they’d probably still murder you. And that’s why they all need to be sent promptly back to Allah to check in, permanently. It’s really sad that some of their normal/moderate compatriots will be joining them, but unfortunately, that’s their whole plan. Use the palestinian people as a gigantic group of hostages which they can slowly sacrifice on their altar to Muhammed. And don’t make the mistake of turning this into a class war about “oppressed people”. Muhammed filled palaces with treasure he stole from the people he murdered.