I am the journeyer from the valley of the dead Sega consoles. With the blessings of Sega Saturn, the gaming system of destruction, I am the Scout of Silence… Sailor Saturn.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Man the Pistol unicode mess has always given me mixed feelings

    Apple indeed lead the design change, but they did it unilaterally without the input of Unicode. So the standard is still saying that the character represents a pistol, and all the fonts are ignoring that to have it a squirt gun instead, so as to be compatible with a specific Apple font rather than compatible with unicode.

    It might have been a mistake for Unicode to introduce Pistol in the first place (I wonder how it was chosen, can’t look that up right now), Pistol apparently came from Softbank, so Unicode was probably including it for compatibility with existing encodings.

    IMO it would have been technologically more sound for UI designers to hide it in a UI or font designers to omit it entirely, than to replace it with another graphic with significantly different meaning. Emojipedia demonstrated the potential for confusion with this cheeky text message example.

    Of course by this point we’re stuck with water gun so Twitter is just needlessly adding to the mess and Unicode should give up and redefine or add errata to the symbol.

  • Thanks now you’ve sent me down the rabbit hole since I searched for this and clicked on the first ad: coderabbit.ai

    One of the code reviews they feature on their homepage involves poor CodeRabbit misspelling a variable name, and then suggesting the exact opposite code of what would be correct for a “null check” (Suggesting if (object.field) return; when it should have suggested if (!object.field) return; or something like that).

    You’d think AI companies would have wised up by this point and gone through all their pre-recorded demos with a fine comb so that marks users at least make it past the homepage, but I guess not.

    Aside: It’s not really accurate to describe if (object.field) as a null check in JS since other things like empty strings will fail the check, but maybe CodeRabbit is just an adorable baby JS reviewer!

    Aside: the example was in a .jsx file. Does that stand for JavaScript XML? because oh lord that sounds cursed

  • This person likes the idea of electronic surveillance

    It would not be possible for students to be coached specifically for an AI assessment, because the assessment would be happening in the background, over time, without necessarily being obvious to the student.

    And by that I mean she really likes the idea of electronic surveillance

    Imagine a classroom setting ten years hence where data about each learner’s movements, speech and facial expressions is automatically logged by passive capture devices within the fabric of the classroom. This information is combined with data about each learner’s performance recorded by the school’s assessment system and the teacher, parents and learner themselves. All this data is used to update the class teacher’s pupil records and to provide data for an AI-based teaching assistant that keeps track of every learner’s cognitive, emotional and meta-cognitive progress.

    Why? To decide how quickly to ship the struggling students off to the minimum wage jobs, no vetting required!

    The AI assistant […] can identify and contact local entrepreneurs who are willing to come and talk to pupils about future work opportunities or how to be an entrepreneur.

    Edit: also holy smokes this document is hard to read. It feels like trying to swim through thin air. I didn’t realize it was possible to say so little with so many words, and that’s saying something as I’ve had the misfortune of reading chat-gpt output.

  • We know $10 USD may not seem like enough to reclaim the internet with the browser we barely maintain and take on irresponsible tech companies that pay us vast sums of money. But the truth is that as you read this email, hundreds of Mozilla supporters worldwide haven’t realized we’re a charity racket dressed up as a browser who will spend all your money on AI and questionable browser plugins. And when each one of us contributes what we can, we can waste the money all the faster!

    With the rise of AI (you’re welcome, by the way, for the MDN AI assistant) and continued threats to online privacy like question like integrating a Mr. Robot Ad into firefox without proper code review, the stakes of our movement have never been higher. And marks supporters like you are the reason why Mozilla is in such a strong position to take on these challenges and transform the future of the internet in any way we know how – except by improving our browser of course that would be silly.

    (I’m feeling extra cynical today)

  • Taylor Swift is on the side of humans* in the battle against the AIs (instagram).

    Recently I was made aware that AI of ‘me’ falsely endorsing Donald Trump’s presidential run was posted to his site. It really conjured up my fears around AI, and the dangers of spreading misinformation. It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter. The simplest way to combat misinformation is with the truth.

    I’m sure everyone remembers what this is referring to, y’know with the rest of the US election being so low-key and boring, but just in case here’s an article with screenshots (Guardian).

    Anyway I’m not here to talk politics. SwiftOnSecurity (spoiler: probably not actually Taylor Swift) thinks Taylor Swift will be a “cultural linchpin” against deepfakes.

    As I’ve said before, Taylor Swift may be the cultural lynchpin for addressing abusive AI imitation and I think this was her personal opening salvo. Taylor Swift was previously driven to political advocacy partly by right-wing memes of her aping Hilter on genetic purity. I think she takes INCREDIBLE personal exception to herself being used as a puppet and this directly aligns with it. Directly addressed to political leaders.

    Indeed that Donald Trump post isn’t the first time she’s been targeted. There was Deepfake Swift Porn in January that prompted Microsoft to add more safeguards**. A scam involving fake Le Creuset cookware (nytimes), and on a lighter note: fake Taylor Swift teaching Math on TikTok (Petapixel, whatever the heck a petapixel is).

    The January incident prompted some legislatures to introduce the No AI Fraud Act, though looking at it it looks like it hasn’t made it far through congress.

    * Maybe not on the side of humans against climate change. With the private jet and all. God the US needs trains then at least all the celebrities could ride in luxurious rail cars like the olden days.

    ** Not sure about Microsoft but these safeguards aren’t effective in general, I found a subreddit of people sharing AI image generator prompt tips to get around filters and it was pretty disturbing. But that’s another story.