sempersigh [he/him]

  • 46 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2020


  • Nah Gantz said he was going to leave the government on June 8th like three weeks ago the only reason he didn’t yesterday was because of the hostages bullshit he didn’t want to be InSeNsITIvE and had to let people celebrate mass killing first

    Edit: For additional context; the whole thing was that gantz gave Netanyahu an ultimatum to come up with a “different war strategy” by June 8th or national unity would leave the government.

    Unclear what strategy he would have preferred but it’s likely what ever terrible alternative he had in mind would not be terrible enough for the parties to the right of likuid that Netanyahu also is relying on for his coalition and he probably made the calculation that it would be more politically damaging for him if they left (probably because then gantz would have more leverage over him to trigger an early election)