Hello Lemmy!

I am a former 10-year Reddit user who is making the migration to Lemmy since RiF is being shut down by Reddit’s hostile API actions. I am a Purdue University alumnus and mechanical engineer with a multitude of interests. Greetings!

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • So full disclosure: I am not trans but I have a legitimate question. Why is there so much pressure on trans people to put themselves into one box or another? Isn’t the recognition of gender fluidity supposed to free people from sex-based boxes and social norms? This is not me saying at all that people shouldn’t be able to express themselves as they want or shouldn’t be able to identify in whatever way makes them most comfortable, but I find it hard to reconcile these two sides to what I see as the same coin. Maybe you could provide some perspective to me? I wish you the best and hope you get some good answers from people much more knowledgeable than me!

  • Hello! I’m still fairly new in my journey into musical theater but I’ll add my answers!

    • Favorite musical(s): Beetlejuice, Mrs. Doubtfire, Wicked
    • Least favorite musical: Moulin Rouge (the set was stunning but the show was…meh)
    • First musical: Spamalot (can you tell I like comedies?)
    • Bucket list musical: Urinetown
    • Most memorable experience: Getting very creepily hit on by a middle aged recent divorcee throughout the entirety of Tootsie. I was 22 at the time and she was in her early 50s.

    Hoping to have lots of good discussions in this community and to learn more about shows I’ve never heard of!

  • I think the issue is packing SCOTUS isn’t even a band aid fix to the problem. You’d have to completely overhaul the way the Court works to get a meaningful impact on the way it operates currently. I’ve seen ideas floated like expanding the judiciary and then choosing a certain number of justices randomly to preside over each case, but that is probably worse than our current system because you could end up with an even more radical Court presiding over a very impactful case.