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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023

  • Yep, 99% of the time that’s the case around here. Live next to a well trafficked road and have heard enough to identify a modded exhaust. It’s very rare that the loud assholes have stock exhausts, they usually put money into buying loud shit or just slice their old one off for good measure.

    Also, even the modded exhausts wouldn’t be so bad if the drivers didn’t intentionally gun it just to make noise.

    Then come the motorcycle groups, they’re the absolute worst. Even one is bad, but when a group of 50 travel through here on a quiet day it’s just… sad, enraging etc.

    They’re the loudest we get around where I live, if ANYONE is breaking a noise ordinance it’s them, 50× over but I’ve never seen them pulled over or ticketed.

    I don’t care if they’re loud, go do that on a “back road” where the houses are an acre away, don’t do it on a small street where babies are sleeping barely 20 feet away from you. At that volume, being that close they’d might as well knock on your door and scream in your face.

  • This is interesting 🤔 admittedly I haven’t read the article yet but the excerpt seems to be stating that they have shared traits, but doesn’t say they’re exactly the same.

    Basketballs share commonalities with footballs but it’s still a different story, just not sure I’d claim to have experienced both without having 100% experienced both.

    Not insulting you or coming off with any malice that’s just my take, but I can see exactly where you’re coming from. TW orgasms are probably much, much more like CW orgasms than they are cis-man orgasms so I see where you’re coming from.

  • It’s not that their history makes them less of a woman, just that going through puberty with testosterone leads to advantages that those that went through non-testosterone puberty didn’t have.

    Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as taking testosterone blockers or whatever, they still don’t reverse some of the advantages that going through testosterone puberty provides.

    Someone smarter than me may come along but if not just googling or ducking some knowledge about testosterone puberty will shine some light on why they’ve made this change in the sport…

  • I agree with much of what you said but have to nit-pick a part that I found confusing.

    trans women are women

    And cis women are cis women?

    Comes off as if an afab person, who has always referred to herself as simply “woman” now has to refer to herself as “cis woman” to be exact, whereas trans women have now adopted “woman”

    I’m a guy, and I’d be pretty irritated if people suddenly started insisting that I not refer to myself as “guy” anymore, because trans guys are now “guys” so they get my old title but now I have to specifically state that I’m a “cis guy” everywhere…

    Like why would I have to give up my title? It’s one thing for them to adopt it as well, not like I mind, more the merrier! But why am I having to change my title when I’ve been the same all along?

    It’s like if people began changing cats into dogs, and claiming the name “cat” for the former dogs. Cool, do what you will, but then they tell me that my “cats” aren’t “cats” anymore, they’re cis-cats and I must refer to them as such. Why? They’ve always been cats to everyone? How you gonna tell me that you get the name “cats” but my lifelong “cats” are now something else?

  • Netflix and Hulu, etc. Have left a bad taste in my mouth as well. Was a member when Netflix began and was only a DVD rental service.

    They had so much good content and if it wasn’t available for streaming you could almost always just rent the DVD, they had a pretty decent DVD rental program for a while.

    Wow, that all changed rapidly. Took a hiatus from streaming and only came back a couple years ago. Subscribed to Netflix again like “yeah! Gonna be 100× more shit than before!”

    No, much of the best content was gone. The entirety of Netflix only provided less than a handful of shows I was even “meh” about. No more DVD rental either.

    I watched squid games and that was pretty much it. Let that trial expire and began to explore different services.

    Sheesh, wtf. Just to catch up on some old stuff and watch a few new things I’d been hyped about I realized required me to basically subscribe to damned near everything. AMC+ for TWD, Hulu for iirc workaholics, Netflix again for don’t remember, Amazon prime solely for The Boys and Omniman or whatever it’s called HBO max for iirc mortal Kombat Paramount for old south park And I’m positive I got at least two more.

    That’s 8 subscription services a MONTH I’d have to pay, just to watch the equivalent of what I used to get on cable.

    Of every single one of those trials, I don’t think I watched any more than the one show/movie I’d initially signed up for. Forgot I even had a few just because they didn’t have anything else I liked anytime I checked.

    Then discovered a great site that I’m not sure if I can name here. This isn’t an ad for it because I don’t want to see it shut down.

    Was everything that those services should be. Just have EVERYTHING I can think of to watch including older movies. Anytime I remember a show I used to like I just type it in and it’s always there, never had a search that didn’t yield results.

    All that and the interface is even better. No ads with a blocker ofc, no subscription reminder Bs, no promoting their own originals, no promoting what companies have paid them to… they just show the most watched stuff in the feed but you can easily find whatever you want.

    Even Netflix last I checked couldn’t keep up with that. They have a search function but 99% of the time what you’re looking for isn’t available. Their categories are also just… horrible. It’s just a hodgepodge of stuff they want you to watch, they aren’t really categorized well.

    I really wish that we could rewind 20 or so years to back when Netflix first became successful and instead of just creating umpteen streaming companies competing against each other maybe… just maybe we had one single streaming platform with everything people actually want to watch…

    But that would likely mean $100+ monthly subscription fees… worse than the cable we ran from, and then ofc they’d just have ads anyway like Hulu unless you pay even more… it’s ridiculous. If they’d just consolidate and ask a reasonable price pirating wouldn’t be so prevalent at all. Problem is, it’s now so much easier to pirate and in my case I get even better service that way.

    It’d be a monopoly ofc, but isn’t it basically just a big Monopoly anyway? A select few companies basically run the entire industry in the U.S. sure they’re technically different companies but they have made it almost impossible for smaller companies to start up. How can you compete with Disney, for example?

  • I tried to do that, somewhere between installing python, fit, bash, chocolatey, stable diffusion itself, the model, etc.

    On the very last step, where I was waiting for it to say “running in 127.003” or w/e I got an error message that it somehow couldn’t access my GPU (maybe because it’s internal?). It gave me a command argument to place, --skip- cuda-test or something like that but I have no idea where to put it.

    It definitely can be installed and used on the PC but isn’t as simple as just installing from an .exe, there are a lot of moving parts

  • Exactly, and tbh if we stopped making vehicles today people would still be driving many years from now, feel like we should really… stop mining the earth for resources to then use making things people don’t even need so we can be richer… just make vehicles repairable again and focus on that.

    Maybe, instead of everyone buying brand new cars we can just upgrade our old ones, like a PC.

    So you want the latest Dodge body to look cool? Okay, we’ll just pop that onto you’re already existing frame, no need in buying a new engine/chassis etc if you’re only seeking an aesthetic change anyway

    Speaking of that… all this $ people pay for faster cars when they’ll only really drive them between 30-70mph is ridiculous. Why even make commercial cars faster than the speed limit? Just so dummies can drive drunk at 120mph and hit a family head on? Until we get an Autobahn there’s just no need for it.

    No need for 16 year olds, anyone really to have a V8 with 900 horsepower just give them something that will go the speed limit and save the fucking resources

  • I feel like it would make a huge difference. They’re planning obsolescence for vehicles and equipment now too. I have a tractor from the 70’s that’s still running fine, why? Because they used to make them with the idea that the consumer can and should be able to perform their own maintenance and repair, for a farmer back then a tractor was a huge purchase and was expected to last many years. I

    Meanwhile, the new ones require being brought to the shop for all kinds of things, many can only be fixed with software that most people don’t have, if available at all.

    Instead of repairing what they have, companies want people to just buy new stuff every couple of years if not sooner.

    It’s just sad when stuff from 50 years ago will still last longer than something you purchase today.

    Regarding automotives and equipment, old machinery could last forever really, with the right replacement parts, but those are getting extremely hard to find as well with everyone just buying new instead of repairing what they have. It’s something else…