zongor [comrade/them, he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2020


  • Do disk management from windows/mac side first always. Windows does some weird stuff with their memory management (like unmovable files). So it’s easy to accidentally break stuff if you were to partition from Linux. I think Mac is slightly safer but they also have some weird stuff that’s a lot easier to use their partition tools to shrink and partition. Then during install you can rewrite the partitions file system to be more Linux friendly (e.g. ext4, btrfs, etc)

    As far as file sharing I have a separate disk that is FAT32 formatted but that’s just because I was hyper paranoid, NTFS works fine and has been in the Linux kernel for some time now. Mostly I did this so I could share the same steam library between my Linux and windows partitions so I didn’t have to install everything twice. External drives also work very well but I think it’s better for a back up rather than day to day. Also you can mount your windows partition directly in Linux so there’s really no need to have a 3rd partition for sharing

  • It kinda depends on what games you are using.

    If they are online only with anti cheat dual booting is the only viable solution because most anti cheat’s that don’t work with Linux/proton will flag you as cheating if you try to use a vm.

    If its some older game its prolly better to use a vm for that OS, lien a lot of old games for windows XP or windows 95 are like that. For really old ones you can just use dosbox which is very tried and true.

    If it’s just some random game that doesn’t work I either A: figure it will get working in some way eventually or B: give up on ever playing it again.

    I think I’m at the point where if a new game comes out and it didn’t work on Linux I just wouldn’t buy it. But I might be an outlier since most of the games I like usually get a Linux port or will work with proton anyways

  • I have some complications for you. So your specific cpu (at least according to intel’s spec sheet) can be overclocked to 3.2 GHz although I would double check by running the following if/when you do try linux: lscpu |egrep "Model name|MHz"

    If you do decide to overclock it I would highly recommend installing a cpu handler so you dont have to worry about overheating. Also the hotter your cpu is the worse its performance is going to be so be aware of that as well.

    As others have said, Linux can’t make your cpu faster but it is generally more efficient about background tasks compared to windows. So it wont be faster for a single process but since there will be less proprietary spyware background processes it should be slightly faster overall. Additionally adding more ram (bumping it up to 16) would help a lot as modern applications are extremely ram hungry nowadays due to lazy and/or overworked programmers who don’t pay attention to performance for unknown reasons. But 8gb is generally fine for most use cases.

    For gaming emulation on linux I would recommend retroarch.

    The best way I have found to move to linux is try in a VM --> try out the live environment --> install so you can dual boot --> delete windows partition. Also dont be afraid to move back to windows if it doesnt work out for you. Linux is probably the best its ever been but it might not be ready for every user yet (but also I can say that in the near future it undoubtedly will).

    There are some distros that target older hardware like antiX (which I have tried out in the past and it is quite good), but dont worry too much about one distro over the other, they are pretty much the same. I would recommend trying out more popular ones like linux mint or debian just because there will be more support for them over other ones. Using a desktop environment that uses less resources should help as well, usually people will point to xfce and lxde. There are a lot of linux users here and on other lemmy instances so if you do need help there should be plenty of people to answer questions.

  • It seems like Fortran except it’s python syntax and it’s weakly typed so you will get into type checking hell if you use any library which tries to be fancy and create their own types.

    Outside of the syntax though: The speedups look really cool!

    I’m curious to see what potential speedups would look like in a large project.

    Additionally, I’m curious to see what the power requirements are for programs written in it since it seems like it will highly parallelize all statements in the language.

    I also wonder how soon it will be for someone to implement a deadfish / bf / lisp interpreter in it