Here’s mine:

  1. The Undiscovered Country

  2. Wrath of Khan

  3. Voyage Home

  4. Motion Picture

  5. Search for Spock

  6. Generations

  7. First Contact

  8. Final frontier

  9. Insurrection

  10. Nemesis

I’m not a fan of any of the Kelvinverse films, BUT if forced to rank them, it would be like this:

  1. Beyond
  2. Into Darkness
  3. Star Trek

EDIT: Apparently everyone on this website is insane

  • @stuck
    310 months ago

    I am right with you on Insurrection in last place. I can’t find one redeeming thing about it.

    • ___whatever___
      110 months ago

      @stuck @420blazeit69 it wouldn’t have even been a decent TNG episode. It’s like they pulled a rejected TNG script and decided to make a movie. Pretty much killed Trek movies even though one more managed to come out.