Here’s mine:

  1. The Undiscovered Country

  2. Wrath of Khan

  3. Voyage Home

  4. Motion Picture

  5. Search for Spock

  6. Generations

  7. First Contact

  8. Final frontier

  9. Insurrection

  10. Nemesis

I’m not a fan of any of the Kelvinverse films, BUT if forced to rank them, it would be like this:

  1. Beyond
  2. Into Darkness
  3. Star Trek

EDIT: Apparently everyone on this website is insane

    • CorganaOP
      610 months ago

      My perspective is that at least Into Darkness has a message? Kind of? '09 felt like Star Trek: Mountain Dew. Don’t get me wrong though I don’t feel either is worth defending and I put one second total into deciding the Kelvinverse order.

        810 months ago

        Beyond and 09 weren’t good, but I think Into Darkness was quite significantly worse. It was probably the single least creative movie I’ve ever seen, though I guess some other Abrams movies come close.

        • CorganaOP
          610 months ago

          I will not die on this hill. If you say it’s worse I believe you because I’ll never watch any of them again.

          • John R
            210 months ago

            @Corgana @bababooey
            I watched the first JJ Star Trek movie. It was basically one long Kirk brawl and then they made him captain. It was pathetic.

        610 months ago

        Can we all agree to refer to 09 as Star Trek: Mountain Dew, from now on?

        I love the film, but it’s a fair nickname.

      • CorganaOP
        410 months ago

        I have a soft spot for it. It’s weird in a good way! No shade at First Contact tho.

          • @Damage
            10 months ago

            There’s also: “Yes it is REVOLTING!”

        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
          510 months ago

          It’s got Kirk and Picard, which is a movie that should exist even if the execution wasn’t ideal.

          • CorganaOP
            210 months ago

            Some of the best in the entire franchise!

    10 months ago

    \1. Star Trek VI

    Very tight film. Christopher Plummer is excellent.

    \2. Star Trek II / III / IV (as a complete Trilogy)

    Can’t separate these just like the LoTR films, anyways you got KHAN, the sacrifice of the Enterprise and Double Dumbass on you. Excellent trilogy.. (Note: Khan/Voyage/Search is the order of likeness)

    \3. First Contact

    It’s the borg, gotta give it up for the Borg 👏

    \4. Galaxy Quest

    Never give up, never surrender!

    \5. Star Trek TMP

    Fuck you I LIKE Enterprise beauty shots set to Jerry Goldsmith music. With that said I like the story and character arcs of Kirk and Spock.

    \6. Generations

    It’s OK. The rest of the DS9 uniform replacements won’t arrive til Tuesday

    \7. Star Trek V

    Underrated. Has its moments. I think Sybok gives an excellent performance otherwise forgettable movie

    \8. Star Trek Kelvin I

    It’s OK. Karl.Urban nails Bones.

    Didn’t see the others. I haven’t been sold on seeing Insurrection and Nemesis ever despite easily able to and apparently I should give Beyond (Kelvin III) a chance.

    Edit: so the numbers all got changed to 1 when posted and using ol reliable backslash to fix it did but left the slashes? I give up.

      • @VindictiveJudge
        310 months ago

        It ranked pretty highly as a write-in candidate at a con once.

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      510 months ago

      and Double Dumbass on you

      Ha I forgot about that part. Makes sense to view those movies as a trilogy, too.

      • @Richard
        210 months ago

        One damn minute, admiral!

      410 months ago

      I love this discussion.

      Star Trek VI is precious to me for reasons of special memories seeing it with my father. So I know I watch it with rose colored glasses.

      It’s neat to see some validation that it’s actually really good film.

      • CorganaOP
        10 months ago

        It’s a good story on it’s surface, but somehow also packs in a really good metaphor for the end of the Cold War, AND a metaphor about Star Trek as a franchise. Simply the best.

    • @StillPaisleyCat
      10 months ago, I seem to have discovered that you are my Star Trek preference twin.

      Although, I would personally put Star Trek (2009) a bit ahead of V The Final Frontier, our teens profoundly negative reaction to it would make put it at the back or at best tied. There has been utter refusal from them to even attempt to watch Into Darkness and Beyond. Stuck watching them on my own, Beyond is a head shaker that spends all its time distracting from what could have been a good story with utter silliness like a motorcycle found randomly on a ship.

      Into Darkness is in its own way as much a complete head scratcher as The Final Frontier, but with A list casting and more appalling results. In both cases, you can see the traces and structure of what might have been an interesting movie if only a massive train derailment hadn’t beset production somewhere and somehow.

      I did however see Insurrection at first release as a family outing with the in-laws. It was fine, and worth a watch at home. In fact, its main issue is that it felt like it should be a made for cable movie rather than a cinematic release. There so much more awful stuff out there by comparison. Nemesis for a Trek example. By half way through I was was wanting to get back the ridiculously self indulgent Picard dune buggy opening sequence.

      My final ranking.

      1./ VI - The Undiscovered Country

      2./ II, III, IV the complete trilogy

      3./ First Contact

      4./ I - The Motion Picture (I enjoy it more as I age and it’s remastered.)

      5./ Galaxy Quest

      6./ Insurrection

      7./ Generations (It happened.)

      8./ TIE V - The Final Frontier & Star Trek (2009)

      9./ TIE Nemesis & Beyond

      10./ Into Darkness

  • @USSBurritoTruckM
    1210 months ago

    EDIT: Apparently everyone on this website is insane

    Have you considered the possibility that ya basic?

  • Guy Fleegman
    10 months ago

    EDIT: Apparently everyone on this website is insane

    The inmates are running the asylum

    • CorganaOP
      310 months ago

      To be clear, I do not excuse myself from the descriptor.

  • Orcocracy [comrade/them]
    510 months ago

    Genuinely good films: 4,6,2,8

    Ok but flawed films: 1,3,9,5,7

    Derivative and unnecessary, but sometimes charming films: 11,13

    Very few redeeming qualities and should never have been made: 10,12

  • Sugar and Violence
    10 months ago

    @Corgana The Wrath of Khan
    The Voyage Home
    The Undiscovered Country
    The Search for Spock
    First Contact
    The Motion Picture (With Marijuana)
    The Motion Picture (Without Marijuana)
    The Final Frontier

    The Kelvin Films

  • Melllvar
    410 months ago
    1. Wrath of Khan
    2. Search for Spock
    3. Voyage Home
    4. Undiscovered Country
    5. Star Trek (2009)
    6. First Contact
    7. Generations
    8. Into Darkness
    9. Beyond
    10. Motion Picture
    11. Insurrection
    12. Nemesis
    13. Final Frontier
    • @Richard
      210 months ago

      2009 Trek higher than First Contact??? This is heresy of the highest order!!!

    310 months ago
    1. Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country - Wild card, I watched this with my dad, so it’s my overall favorite for personal reasons. I’ll defer to others on whether it really belongs at #1.
    2. First Contact - Viola Davis is a national treasure and her performance elevates this film.
    3. Voyage Home - The OG cast performing in peak conditions.
    4. Wrath of Khan - It’s ricidulous to put this masterpiece this low on my list. I’m sorry, and I will rethink my life.
    5. Generations - Has a little is everything. I probably rank it higher because it is a celebration of Trek history. But that said, for the number of cast and cameos, this is a surprisingly great movie.
    6. 09 Yes, it’s a popcorn blockbuster, but Chris Helmsworth’s opening scene is a masterful performance, and plenty of solid Star Trek follows. Zoe Saldana is a national treasure and elevates this movie. Leonard Nimoy delivers another fantastic performance.
    7. Beyond - The Yorktown is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in scifi, and the movie is solid.
    8. Nemesis - An important chapter in Brent Spiner’s decades long perfected Pinochio story.
    9. Into darkness - Zoe Saldana is a national treasure and is unfortunately not in the remaining films in my list. I’m saying this tongue-in-cheek since plenty of Trek actors deserve highlighted here.

    After this point, I really like the remaining films, but not enough to have strong feelings to rank them.

    10-12) Search, Insurrection, Final Frontier

    1. The Motion Picture - Still a pretty great film, but the pacing issues prevent me from rewatching it often.
    310 months ago

    The final frontier was bad. It was really bad. It had so much random stuff going on and had very little explanations about anything. They should have narrowed their focus a lot.

    • CorganaOP
      10 months ago

      Y’know I watched it recently and I was prepared for the worst, but it’s really not that bad. The plot is silly but there are some good character moments. It felt like TOS.

    310 months ago
    1. Wrath of Khan
    2. First Contact
    3. Insurrection
    4. Voyage Home
    5. Nemesis
    6. The Undiscovered Country
    7. Generations
    8. Search for Spock
    9. Motion Picture
    10. Final frontier

    I enjoyed the Kelvin films pretty equally. In wouldn’t have started watching Trek if it were not for 09. But I do see them as a separate thing.

    • QHC
      610 months ago

      Big fan of Insurrection getting some respect! I love it for being the big budget, high production mashup of TNG that it clearly is, even though it also doubles down on the Picard-as-Action-Hero trend that ends up ruining Nemesis (IMO).

        510 months ago

        Insurrection is not among my faves but for me it’s exactly what a Star Trek movie should be: a two parter episode with better budget.

      • squib
        310 months ago

        I agree, it is a most illogical choice.

      • CorganaOP
        110 months ago

        I’m not certain but I think that’s an actual crime in some states.

    310 months ago

    Here’s my full list:

    1. Undiscovered Country
    2. Wrath of Khan
    3. Voyage Home
    4. First Contact
    5. Search for Spock
    6. Motion Picture
    7. Generations
    8. Beyond
    9. 2009
    10. Final Frontier
    11. Insurrection
    12. Nemesis
    13. Into Darkness
    310 months ago
    1. Voyage Home (the comedy and the whales)
    2. Galaxy Quest (perfect but needs to be 2. because it builds on Trek)
    3. Wrath of Khan (ear bugs)
    4. Star Trek - Kelvin (loved the restart with slight differences - enjoyed every nod and subversion)
      310 months ago

      I’m totally with you … especially on the “All Good Things” take … Q is as iconic to TNG as the Borg and it’s a shame he didn’t make it into a film.

      Interestingly, I’m thinking … how much could they have just swapped the stories of Generations and All Good Things? Seems oddly feasible, with the whole Kirk thing being the most awkward component to handle.

      Otherwise … my only change would be to put Generations further up on the list … I’m partial to it … maybe it’s just the look/cinematography of it?

  • @USSBurritoTruckM
    10 months ago
    1. “Beyond”
    2. “The Voyage Home”
    3. “Undiscovered Country”
    4. “Search for Spock”
    5. “Wrath of Khan”
    6. “TMP”
    7. “The Final Frontier”
    8. “Insurrection”
    9. “First Contact”
    10. “Generations”
    11. “Nemesis”
    12. “ST09”
    13. “Into Darkness”
          • @USSBurritoTruckM
            310 months ago

            I think the Kelvin-universe cast is largely pretty good. Zoe Saldana has never struck me as a great fit for Uhura, but I like everyone else, and I think Karl Urban is great. I also like that all the characters get something to do in the movie. The interactions between Spock and Bones, and Scotty and Jaylah are definite highlights for me.

            Speaking of, Sofia Boutella’s Jaylah character is a lot of fun, and if they actually ever get a fourth one off the ground – not holding my breath – I do hope they’re able to work the character in.

            It’s hard to go wrong with Idris Elba in anything, but I do think he was wasted as Krall, who is not particularly compelling, and that’s probably the film’s biggest failing. But then, I don’t think many Trek movie villains are all the compelling. The most relatable threat in all thirteen movies was the giant space probe that just wanted to talk to some whales. 'Cause, y’know…same. After that it’s probably General Chang, and then, despite my low regard for the movie overall, Nero.

            The set pieces are great. Obviously it’s silly, but the opening scene where Kirk gets attacked by the Teenaxi is a lot of fun. The scene where Krall’s drones are tearing up the Enterprise is riveting. I love Kirk on the motorcycle during the rescue beam-out scene. And the final fight between Kirk and Krall is really well done, even if the actual threat is kinda lacklustre.

            I love the design work. Yorktown station looks great. The Franklin might be my favourite starship design across the franchise. I really like the new uniforms that don’t have the textured delta pattern of the previous two films, as well as the Franklin uniform that Spock ends up wearing. I don’t love the phasers with their rotating emitter, but other than that aspect they look good.

            I recognize that it’s pretty much a dumb action movie, but it is, in my opinion, a very watchable dumb action movie. That’s really all it’s trying to be, which I respect. Am I going to argue that it’s technically he best executed movie of the bunch? Of course not! But is it my personal favourite? Yeah. Except for when my mood changes and “The Voyage Home” is my favourite.

  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
    210 months ago
    1. Wrath of Khan
    2. Motion Picture
    3. Undiscovered Country
    4. First Contact
    5. Voyage Home
    6. Search for Spock
    7. A wiki entry for the unproduced Tarantino Trek
    8. '09 Star Trek
    9. Into Darkness
    10. Final Frontier
    11. Nemesis
    12. Generations
    13. Beyond
    14. Insurrection
    • @stuck
      310 months ago

      I am right with you on Insurrection in last place. I can’t find one redeeming thing about it.

      • ___whatever___
        110 months ago

        @stuck @420blazeit69 it wouldn’t have even been a decent TNG episode. It’s like they pulled a rejected TNG script and decided to make a movie. Pretty much killed Trek movies even though one more managed to come out.

    • QHC
      210 months ago

      Putting Generations and Insurrection below Into Darkness is a slight I won’t tolerate. Whatever flaws those movies had, they at least tried to explore something about the human condition.

      And to have Nemesis above both of those… oof.