• Misconduct
    1 year ago

    I think you’re using way too much nostalgia here. Our parents literally had to be reminded to check on us by the news. Nationally! Every day. Everything is just basically the same with extra steps now. Before mobile phones parents just hit their kids with belts for other reasons because they were shitty and broken people. It sucks that controlling parents have more tools but so do their kids!

    At the end of the day we’re not going to stop technology or progress. The people that complained about books, electricity, home phones, and the internet sure couldn’t. What matters is what direction it takes. If you’re all fired up about this still it may be a good time to start looking at what your local gov is doing and get actively involved. Even just sending a letter. Literally anything because millions of people is millions of letters at the end of the day. It matters and it adds up.