Rep. Patrick McHenry is now the acting Speaker of the House.

  • GoodbyeBlueMonday
    1 year ago

    It’s like when King Solomon had 2 women fighting over a baby. So he offers to cut the baby in half. And one woman says “no, she can have the baby!” and he knows she’s the real mother. The Democrats are usually like her.

    I think the Democrats have finally learned that there is no wise Solomon that will reward wisdom and responsibility, so the “fake mom” always gets the baby.*

    The thing is…in a lot of ways, I agree with you. I do generally want people to take the high road whenever possible. I think short-term losses can be long-term wins, because I think moral behavior is a good thing to model in the world. Forgiveness is a wonderful thing for everyone. The GOP though…as long as I’ve been alive, haven’t been good faith participants in our democracy. There’s a danger in letting bullies get away with their behavior, if there’s no evidence they’re willing to reform.

    So I respect this as a surprisingly tough play from the Democrats. The Republicans could have initially put forth a better Speaker candidate that got bipartisan support, but instead they kowtowed to the extreme right, and the Speaker they put in reneged on a budget deal, so he got shitcanned. The moderate Republicans could still, now, reach out to the Democrats for help. But like McCarthy on Sunday, most of them are terrified of their base, and see bipartisanship as a poison pill to their reelection changes (which is true).

    *I think in this metaphor Solomon is “the voters”, and the “fake momma” is the GOP?