Rolling coal is the practice of tampering with a vehicle’s emissions control system, causing it to spew black clouds of sooty exhaust.

  • @Steve
    -19 months ago

    The smoke is a symptom of over-fueling a diesel which does actually make more power, all else being equal.

      9 months ago

      A little smoke is a symptom of making more power. A lot of smoke just means you failed to add enough air to go with it and are pointlessly polluting and wasting fuel.

      (Side note: my diesel VW, which is modified for more power but also is typically fueled with 100% biodiesel, produces less smoke than it did stock.)

      149 months ago

      To a point. After that you’re just making more smoke, and washing out the cylinders, drastically reducing the engine’s life. I take some consolation in the fact that most of the bros rolling coal will absolutely not be able to afford a replacement engine once they trash theirs.