New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has conceded his Labour party lost Saturday’s election, as voters punished the government and took the country rightwards nine months after his predecessor Jacinda Ardern suddenly resigned.

The rising cost of living dominated campaigning with voters New Zealanders ending six years of Labour Party rule, the latter half of which was dominated by the country’s strict response to the coronavirus pandemic that successfully kept infections low but battered the economy.

With 90% of votes counted on Saturday evening, the center-right National Party, led by former airline executive Christopher Luxon, had amassed around 40% of ballots, CNN affiliates RNZ and Newshub reported.

    9 months ago

    Half the country are Republicans? Source, please.

    You can call me names all day as your “position”, but it doesn’t help your fake argument. There is still no place in modern society for bigots and fascists, despite your weird objections.

    Your feckless, angry meandering is illustration that conservatives are incapable of entering a conversation in good faith. Every conservative thought is a Fox News talking point. Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. There is simply no such thing as an honest conservative. So, there is no reason to engage with a conservative… other than for my own entertainment, I guess.

      29 months ago

      It is pretty funny watching them try to form a cogent argument

      Conservative parties in general are for the fraction of the population that never grew up and live in constant fear of change and “the other”. They’re a short-sighted, ill-informed plague on society. Some conservative political groups are worse (Likud party) than others (US Republican party), but they’re just varying grades of garbage people.

        9 months ago

        I couldn’t agree more. Here in the U.S., conservatives were seen by normal people in the pre-Trump era as just comical, creepy and unintelligent. But, now… Now they are a deadly threat.