• @shani66@lemmy.comfysnug.space
    7 months ago

    No not really, Christianity is full of contradictions that cannot be reconciled and has a hard line book they must follow (filled with said contradictions). Paganism, as a belief structure, was essentially buried so individuals are working of off their own ideas that can be as varied as the practitioners (afaik, I’m not a neo pagan). Christianity isn’t bad because you have to believe on something, no matter what the reddit atheist will tell you, it’s bad because of what you have to believe.

    • @ThunderclapSasquatch
      07 months ago

      I’m sure all those sites of human sacrifice and other barbarity don’t really exist and were really those evil Christians. Neopagans are aping religions that were rarely peaceful, I mean how many war gods did the Norse peoples alone have?