This took about a week to make. I hope you enjoy it! Also, this is a webm - if you can’t see this, consider a different app/client. This would have been a 2gb gif. Special thanks to and for the encouraging comments in the past!

Alternate YouTube link:

  • jawa21OP
    5 months ago

    Ok, I’ve tried a few hosts now. I’m just going to have to upload to YouTube and I hate that. It’s too long for imgur, catbox apparently doesn’t work on iPhone, and people complain about region too. I know that iPhon innately supports web so I don’t get what’s happening there!

    Here’s a link you might be able to use in the meantime.

    As a further edit; I’ve asked the question about video playback for the Lemmy dev Q&A scheduled for today. I don’t think most people realize how much of an issue it is.