It can be from any series, and if you want to pick a favorite from each show go ahead.

Picture very much related.

  • Flying SquidM
    135 months ago

    It’s funny so many people picked Voyager episodes as their favorites. I remember when Voyager was supposedly “the bad Star Trek.” I always liked it.

      25 months ago

      The issue with Voyager was that you could pretty much give any characters lines at the end of the show to any other character and it would still work. There was no real character arc, none of them grew. They were still basically the same people from the first episode.

      Don’t get me wrong, they did have some phenomenal characters (The Doctor), but overall, it was just… meh.

      But hey, if you like it, you like it. It got seven seasons, so plenty of folks did.

      25 months ago

      Yeah, I’m slowly making my way through DS9 at the moment and haven’t thought about Voyager at all. Now maybe I’ll give it a second chance (only saw it when it was on TV).

    • Transporter Room 3OP
      25 months ago

      I do remember people mocking DS9 and Voyager rather harshly, I wonder how my parent’s old Official TMstar trek fan club group would weigh in? They used to discuss/debate the episodes while playing random games.