• @BlackSpasmodic@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    -672 months ago
    1. Your vote for president likely doesn’t matter unless you live in one of a few states
    2. The Dems love that they can just scare you into voting against Trump rather than doing things that would excite you to vote Blue
    3. They love you caring more about Trump than Gaza or Cop City or Haiti
    4. There’s WAY more to vote for than President
    • @Feathercrown@lemmy.world
      882 months ago

      rather than doing things that would excite you to vote Blue

      You mean like doubling the overtime exemption salary, reinstituting net neutrality, forcing airlines to refund cancelled flights and banning non-compete agreements in nearly all cases? Because those all happened like, last week. Not to mention larger policies like student loan forgiveness, abortion, etc. that are supported nearly exclusively by Democrats.

      • @snooggums@midwest.social
        432 months ago

        It is hard to get the news to cover positive things that don’t get people angry, so a lot of people think that the Dems aren’t doing anything.

        The Dems do need to learn how to promote their successes.

        • YeetPics
          2 months ago

          Don’t pawn the responsibility of tankies onto an entire political apparatus.

          If tankies can’t think critically, they deserve all the stomps from authoritarian boots they’re licking.

            • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
              -12 months ago

              Tankies plug their ears and go LALALALALA whenever they hear about Democrats doing a good thing.

              Your point is absolutely correct but it’s not the whole story.

        • @Fedizen@lemmy.world
          02 months ago

          I think the corporate media specifically doesn’t want to highlight the many small Ls they’ve taken.

        • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
          2 months ago

          Counterpoint: the dems wouldn’t have implemented these changes if people weren’t fucking angry at them.

          • mozz
            172 months ago

            With Gaza, I think this is completely accurate (and even then there’s a disconnect between the huge level of outrage and the tiny little concessions to humanity that the Democrats have enacted as a result under that pressure).

            With most things, it’s not. You can’t possibly tell me that sweeping climate change legislation, creating a small amount of support in the tiny minority of people in the US who are aware enough of what’s going on to care, but incurring the anger of the incredibly powerful fossil fuel lobby, was done because of cold political calculus. I think it’s actually borne out of genuine concern (which makes sense – these politicians’ kids and grandkids have to live on the planet in the future too, and they don’t have the Republican luxury of living in a pure fantasy-world where they think somehow that it won’t impact them.)

      • @qjkxbmwvz
        172 months ago

        Don’t forget the rejoining the Paris climate Agreement, proposal to lower overdraft fees, and the marijuana rescheduling efforts. But yeah literally nothing good from this administration /s

      • @BlackSpasmodic@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        32 months ago

        Good for you for being informed enough to know about all those things. They’re all good things. But they don’t move my needle. They’re much too small. Probably nothing could compare to a genocide but these don’t come anywhere near close.

        Straight-up student loan forgiveness could’ve been huge. We bailout big companies all the time but Biden fumbled student loan forgiveness by going small. National abortion access would be great but there’s no way they’ll get that passed.

      • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
        -262 months ago

        That shit doesn’t get passed when the dems feel safe. Criticising Biden (including the announcement that you wouldn’t vote for him) is how democracy is supposed to work.

        • @Feathercrown@lemmy.world
          192 months ago

          That shit doesn’t get passed when the dems feel safe.

          The process to properly implement these reforms done via government agencies takes years of public comments (tens of thousands of them, and you have to respond to every one!), review, etc. if you don’t want their effects to just be immediately repealed like many of Trump’s were.

          You’re allowed to criticize Biden, and I am allowed to defend him. Nobody’s censoring you.

        • @qjkxbmwvz
          102 months ago

          Criticizing? Absolutely.

          Taking the asinine position of completely ignoring the realities of our political and electoral system and thinking that complaining misanthropically on the Internet is, somehow, a more effective means of bringing about change…that is not, in my view, how democracy is supposed to work (not saying this is what you’re doing, just that there’s a lot of that in this thread).

        • BassaForte
          82 months ago

          If you were actually concerned with democracy functioning how it should, you would vote for Biden and not let Trump win full stop.

          • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
            2 months ago

            I can’t vote in the US, genius.

            And I’m not interested in upholding parliamentary democracy, since I don’t think it’s very democratic at all.

            • BassaForte
              82 months ago

              Wow, how am I not going to assume that someone commenting on the US election is not from the US? Genius.

              • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
                -102 months ago

                Trust me: If I had the choice, I would gladly never hear a single word about US elections, ever again.

                Unfortunately, I not only have to worry about your so-called country on stolen land slipping down into fascism, but you guys actively enable Israel bombing 40000 palestinians and counting.

                  • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
                    22 months ago

                    Lol, butthurt much?

                    I’m curious how you’re gonna argue that the inhabitants of central Europe are the direct decendants of settler colonizers. Probably gonna have to attack the catholic curch, then.

    • Cosmo
      2 months ago

      Mostly agree, but you be saying #2 like scare tactics isn’t the standard practice for mostly all politicians in every party these days (not even just in the USA, but all around the globe). Trying to make that a trait of a specific party feels kinda disingenuous to me.

      • @BlackSpasmodic@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        22 months ago

        You’re right it’s not specific to them. I’m talking about Dems because the thread is about liberals feeling obligated to vote Dem to stop Trump.

        I might argue that using fear to gain/maintain power is a thing that all powerful people/institutions do. It might be a feature of all hierarchical power structures. Anyway, it’s gross every time

      • @crusa187@lemmy.ml
        -22 months ago

        Dems got stuck on fear-based politics in 2015 and never recovered.

        This is of course secondary to their primary strategy of fear-based fundraising. They’re a fundraising organization first and foremost. They forgot how to be actual political representatives long before 2015.

    • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
      42 months ago

      If you need anything more than “the other candidate is a fascist running openly on a platform of doing fascism” to do everything you can to vote and get others out to the polls too, you may turn your ally badge in and sit at the table with all the other fascists.

      Formal proposal that all the grammable marches and rallies post security that check for proof of having voted to get let in, sounds like a club bouncer, but these people are coming hard with “bachelorette party at a gay club” energy anyways.

      • @BlackSpasmodic@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        -32 months ago

        You assume that voting will make a difference but it won’t. Not only because most of us don’t live in swing states but also, because voting doesn’t change American politics. Biden showed us that. Hell, Obama showed us, America is still gonna be it’s ugly self no matter who’s in the oval office.

        I refuse to keep pretending that a blue guy in charge is meaningfully better. They just talk nicer and give the people here a couple more things.

        I want everyone to demand what they actually want, not settle for the guys who seem better than those other douchebags.

        Your proposal is terrible lol

    • @Daxtron2
      32 months ago
      1. Your vote for president likely doesn’t matter unless you live in one of a few states

      Unless the NPVIC gets through before November