• @WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It’s evidence that we live in corporatocracies masquerading as “democracies”. The 0.1%, shielded by the liability protections of the corporations they own, and their armies of lobbyists — they finance our politics, choose who ends up on the ballot, and shadow write most of our legislation, policies, and regulations.

    Trump is free because he is a part of that < 0.1%.

    The Boeing execs who oversaw systemic fraud, lied to the FAA, and murdered 166 people still ARE FREE AND RICH. Why? Because they are the 0.1%.

    The IPCC hosts fossil fuelled climate summits in fossil fuel exporting countries, inviting fossil fuel corporations and lobbyists to attend — at a scientific conference about how to solve the crisis they created and profited from! why? Because we live in corporatocracies.

    • @TotalFat@lemmy.world
      282 months ago

      If any country’s government spied on its own people as much as big business does in America, people would flip out. But in America, big business really is the government.

      We are so fucked…

    • Transporter Room 3
      72 months ago

      Good thing guillotines don’t care about wealth, only the size of your neck.

      We’ll just have to make the hole slightly larger to fit fatter necks.