This Moar Boar of a sub member was loosing a lot of bristles. They were done with it and let me have it.

I was surprised how hard it is to cut off all the bristles of a boar knot!

It was so hard that I was convinced I was cutting into the glue bump and had finally figured out its shape:

But the actual glue came a few mm deeper.

I was worried at first that the tiny hand mill wouldn’t be up to the task and that I’d need to find a 32 mm Forstner bit and figure out a way to grip the handle strong enough to withstand the torque of the Forstner bit on a drill press without ruining it, but as it turns out, it was quite easy and quick to get the hole deep enough:

I’ve set the handle with a 30 mm Maggard Silvertip knot, and I’m looking forward to trying the most exclusive of all subbrooshes, the Moar Badger soon.

    10 days ago

    Nice project! I’m just now reading the post so sorry about asking about the knot size earlier. I’ve only used the sgrdddy method (heat/steam) to remove a knot. I’m not sure it will work with larger diameters though.

    • djundjila@sub.wetshaving.socialOPM
      10 days ago

      Thanks! I love how it turned out. Super enjoyable brush.

      I didn’t try the steam method because I was worried about damaging the handle. I think it’s also some kind of epoxy, so I wasn’t sure the glue would soften more than the handle😅

      And I had no reason to try to keep the knot alive, so trying the mill route seemed like the smaller risk