nah hes a maga dude but fuck is this man hilarious

hes anti israel, pro palestine, anti ukraine war

this man is legit a harm reduction candidate and he thinks satanist gangs are an issue to deal with

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    2 months ago

    No, because Ukraine was taken over with a coup d’etat in 2014 when Joe Biden was Vice President via “The Agency” CIA and Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama was President and used as leverage for billion dollar loans, high end corruption deals, Hunter Biden Bribery Treason scandals, and more!

    Sounds reasonable, except for ”Barry Soetoro”, that’s some old school crankery at this point, haven’t heard that one since Obama was in office.

    project MK ULTRA, Project MOCKINGBIRD and trap all of humanity into a One World Fiat Currency NWO system secretly run by the Cabal AKA Satanic Illuminati Draco Reptilian Annunaki Ciakar Empire

    OK, that’s more like it. Dude also brags about attending Trump University and says that’s why he changed his name to Billionaire michael-laugh

  • buckykat [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    Current occupation:

    Super Hero, TV Producer, Director, Editor, Videographer, Ninja, Kingdom of Hawaii Federal Post Officer, Hawaiian Kingdom Task Force Human Trafficking & Drug Smuggling Officer & PR Liaison, Community Advocate, Knights of the Blind, Kahuna

    Yeah okay sounds good we love an honest crank folks.

    He does seem pretty racist though.

    The number one language in the United States is Spanish; Not English! #Pendejo You have a better chance making a video in Spanish to reduce gun violence than in English.

    The Rothschilds run the entire banking world via the IMF, WEF, Federal Reserve, Vatican & Fiat Currency!


  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    2 months ago

    This has to be a bit

    Please describe your qualifications to represent the people of Hawaii.

    TOP SECRET/SCI Clearance from the United States Air Force at the age of 17, twenty four years ago in the year 2000. Graduated Top of his Class in The United State Air Force in Cryptographic Network Switching Systems 2E2 September 12, 2001 & was activated for war under Operation Noble Freedom.


    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      What actions, if any, should Congress take in regard to regulating access to abortion?

      Pikachu is not a woman, nor female and does not produce babies like a male seahorse! Without the ladies, there will be No babies! Humanity is done for! The mother or impregnated female should always have the option (pro-choice) if she wishes to be responsible for a new human being in this world from baby time to adulthood. I deal with a lot of human trafficking and drug smuggling cases and a lot of these males and females are both raped, drugged up, and some people sell their babies for money on the black market.

      Some people just should honestly STOP having babies, if you can’t be responsible for them! However, I understand that their are extreme cases of rape, human trafficking, sexual assault, gang rape, satanic rituals, drugs involved and victims are left pregnant not knowing who the baby daddy is. Should this female be allowed to have an abortion after being gang raped? Yes, it is her choice! Where is the punishment for the rapists/pedophiles?

      U.S. Congress should support the Will of its People & Independence based on in its forefathers as written in the Declaration of Independence “We The People!”

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    He’s not hard on the eyes either panting

    What is your position on the Jones Act, which supporters say protects the U.S. shipping industry, but opponents say inflates shipping prices and therefore costs to Hawaii consumers?

    The Jones Act needs to be amended and/or repealed to be updated to modern times. Does the average citizen even know what the Jones act is? The Jones Act prevents foreign-flagged ships from carrying cargo between the contiguous U.S. and certain noncontiguous parts of the U.S., such as Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska, and Guam. Foreign ships inbound with goods cannot stop at any of these four locations, offload goods, load contiguous-bound goods, and continue to U.S. contiguous ports, although ships can offload cargo and proceed to the contiguous U.S. without picking up any additional cargo intended for delivery to another U.S. location. This Act was made in 1920, it is 2024! Over 104 years have passed and the prices of goods have gone up due to inflation, extortion, tariffs, and the price of shipping via a boat or a plane. The Hawaiian Islands was entirely self-sufficient before foreign invasion and now we Import more goods & food than we export. This isn’t right! Why is a loaf of bread cheaper and fresher in New York than our local super markets? If you ask me, the Jones Act is a scam to extort All the People of the Hawaiian Islands, Puerto Rico, Alaska, & Guam!

    spirit-bomb take my um… critical energy pika-pickaxe

  • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
    2 months ago

    …a Doctorate in Divinity from Universal Life Church and also attended Nouveau Riche University, Rich Dad University, Trump University, AndersonCooper Business Training,…

    This guy might be the most average US citizen, statistically speaking