nah hes a maga dude but fuck is this man hilarious

hes anti israel, pro palestine, anti ukraine war

this man is legit a harm reduction candidate and he thinks satanist gangs are an issue to deal with

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    2 months ago

    No, because Ukraine was taken over with a coup d’etat in 2014 when Joe Biden was Vice President via “The Agency” CIA and Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama was President and used as leverage for billion dollar loans, high end corruption deals, Hunter Biden Bribery Treason scandals, and more!

    Sounds reasonable, except for ”Barry Soetoro”, that’s some old school crankery at this point, haven’t heard that one since Obama was in office.

    project MK ULTRA, Project MOCKINGBIRD and trap all of humanity into a One World Fiat Currency NWO system secretly run by the Cabal AKA Satanic Illuminati Draco Reptilian Annunaki Ciakar Empire

    OK, that’s more like it. Dude also brags about attending Trump University and says that’s why he changed his name to Billionaire michael-laugh