Now on top of my workload, which is already insane, I’m expected to set and meet personal goals by some arbitrary deadline? This shit is so condescending. I’m an adult, being paid to exchange my time and work for a salary. I don’t need to be treated like a child and made to complete these homework assignments to prove my growth within the company. Anyone else dealing with this shit right now?

    1 年前

    It’s review time for me too! I hate this. Yes, I have to exceed at all my daily normal tasks plus my two additional development goals for the year. Simply accomplishing the goals and not exceeding them will only give you a ‘Meets’ and sometimes even a ‘Needs Improvement’ rating for the year which comes with like a 1.5% or 0% raise, respectively. Then I have to write a novel (on top of doing all my usual work) stating the ways in which I exceeded all these goals. I hate July at work!!