Any organism that you can think of, microscopic or macroscopic, and yes including those somewhere in-between that we’re not sure how to classify as alive or not (i.e. viruses).

Which would you most like to conduct an interview with, and what might some of your questions be?

  • Bleeping Lobster
    158 months ago

    Dang. I just can’t choose. I would like to communicate with so many.

    ‘Dogs’ is a tempting response, but I feel like I’d be disappointed and a little disturbed by how slavish we’ve made them. Cats… would probably tell you to fuck off and stop bothering them.

    Octopodes and whales I think would make for a very interesting conversation. The octopus is, imo, the closest thing we have to an alien on earth. Iirc their intelligence developed on a completely different pathway to mammals; imo if they didn’t die so quickly they’d be as likely to have become dominant as us smart apes.

    A conversation with a virus would be very boring imo. They don’t have a mind, would probably just repeat “REPRODUCTION INEVITABLE, RESISTANCE FUTILE” over and over.

    148 months ago

    My cat, why the hell he sleeps quietly until my girlfriend goes to bed and right after that he gets the zoomies…

  • I'm back on my BS 🤪
    8 months ago

    Either a chill bird or whale that migrates across the world

    What are your favorite places?

    What do you like about them?

    What are your favorite animals?

    WmDo you have any interesting experiences to share?

    What’s something you would like to share that I wouldn’t prompt because my limited migratory habits don’t provide the experience necessary to know to prompt it?

  • Chetzemoka
    8 months ago

    Whales. I wanna ask what it really feels like to go that deep in the ocean as an air-breathing creature.

      28 months ago

      I have heard that their “language” is less " noun verb " and more “visualization visualization” like sign language. Would be interesting to be able to understand and articulate a thought.

  • Thelsim
    68 months ago

    An ant colony, assuming they can be treated as a hive mind. Would be so interesting to find out how a being like that thinks.

  • LegionEris [she/her]
    58 months ago

    I have so many questions for and about bacteria. Can I choose a sort of akashic universal bacterial conscious? I could pick a family or something if I have to be more specific, but I nerd to know about bacteria.