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tweet by amtrak ben: i think we should build high speed rail next to freeways only because it would make drivers feel like complete losers all the time

edit: fixed alt text

      • justJanne
        8 months ago

        The ICE’s max speed depends on model and variies from 250km/h to 300km/h. These speeds can be reached on:

        • Hannover-Würzburg (280km/h)
        • Mannheim-Stuttgart (280km/h)
        • Oebisfelde-Berlin (250km/h)
        • Siegburg-Frankfurt (300km/h)
        • Köln-Düren (250km/h)
        • Rastatt-Offenburg & Schliengen-Haltingen (250km/h)
        • Nürnberg-Ingolstadt (300km/h)
        • Ebensfeld-Leipzig/Halle (300km/h)
        • Wendlingen-Ulm (250km/h)

        There are more of these tracks currently under construction:

        • Stuttgart-Wendlingen (250km/h)
        • Bashaide-Rastatt (250km/h)

        And many more are currently in the planning stage:

        • Hamm-Bielefeld (300km/h)
        • Oebisfelde-Berlin (300km/h)
        • Ulm-Augsburg (300km/h)
        • Gelnhausen-Fulda (250km/h)
        • Frankfurt-Mannhein (300km/h)
        • Bielefeld-Hannover (300km/h)
        • Nürnberg-Würzburg (300km/h)